2023-2024 Employee Handbook with Faculty Addendum BOT _updat

4 Strategic Advisory Team (SAT) The SAT is a volunteer, cross-functional team of workgroups open to all College employees. The purpose of the SAT is to support the implementation of the Board of Trustees’ Annual Strategic Priorities. The SAT identifies and implements measurable outcomes to accomplish the Annual Strategic Priorities. The SAT chaired by the President meets the first week of each month. The workgroups meet once per week for the remainder of the month. Each workgroup addresses one of the Annual Strategic Priorities. Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) The Chief Information Officer chairs the TAC. The TAC reviews and makes recommendations regarding IT resources to ensure alignment with the College mission, College strategic plan, IT strategic plan, the Academic Master Plan, the Facilities Master Plan, and the sustainable allocation of resources. The TAC identifies opportunities for training and education as it relates to information technology, security, and technology best practices. Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FPAC) The FPAC is comprised of representatives from Capital Planning and Project Management, Plant Operations, Information Technology, Center for Student Engagement, Athletics, Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Academic Affairs, Disability Access Services, , and College Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness. The FPAC is chaired by the Chief of Operations. The mission of the FPAC is to implement the College Facilities Master Plan in collaboration with the IT strategic plan and Academic Master Plan, coordinate deferred maintenance priorities, and coordinate the Project Service Request (PSR) process. Strategic Enrollment Management Committee (SEMC) The Strategic Enrollment Management Committee (SEMC) is comprised of leadership fromStudent Affairs, Academic Affairs Continuing Education and Workforce Development, Marketing, Institutional Effectiveness, and Finance, brought together to develop a holistic and integrated approach to enrollment management. SEMC will identify enrollment strategies and make recommendations that contribute to student access, success, completion, and lifelong learning. College Leadership Teams College Senate The Senate is a College-wide representative body of elected members who serve as leaders in the development and review of College policies, procedures, and operational practice. The College Senate convenes numerous College-wide committees that serve the entire College community, including the Curriculum, Election, General Education, Calendar, Student Affairs, and Student Discipline committees. Affinity Groups Membership of the affinity groups are encouraged to participate in and attend affinity group meetings and events.  Faculty Association The Faculty Association (FA) is comprised of full-time and adjunct faculty and is an affinity group that facilitates the inclusion of faculty voice on a wide range of issues, including leadership and participation in the decision-making processes of the College. The FA provides a professional forum for collegial interaction among FCC faculty.