2023-2024 Employee Handbook with Faculty Addendum BOT _updat

58 assignment. A letter of assignment will be issued the first week of each term to adjunct faculty confirming a teaching assignment, compensation, course schedule, and other details. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Full-time faculty are appraised by their Associate Vice President/Dean or Executive Director on an annual basis using the Performance Appraisal for Faculty by May 1 of each year. Classroom observations for full- time faculty are related to probationary status and advancement in rank. Newly hired adjunct faculty are observed and provided feedback on their instruction by their department chair during their first semester of instruction. Adjunct faculty receive further classroom observations and feedback for every new course they are assigned. Student evaluations are conducted at the end of every course for both full-time and adjunct faculty. Student evaluations include an assessment of the use and effectiveness of the required instructional materials/text. FULL-TIME FACULTY RANK Qualifications for Specific Academic Rank All new full-time faculty are placed at the rank of Assistant Professor upon hire. Promotion in rank is achieved only through the Faculty Appointment and Promotion Process (FAPP). The Faculty Appointment and Promotion process focuses on faculty moving from probationary to continuous contract status and on the movement of faculty through the ranks of promotion. Faculty are ineligible to apply for continuous contract and promotion in the same academic year. Professor • Hold an earned Doctorate, or a terminal Master’s degree in their teaching field plus 30 graduate credits, or Master’s degree plus 60 graduate credit hours, or two Master’s degrees plus 30 graduate credit hours in related fields obtained through a fully accredited college or university. • Of the required credit hours mentioned above, all 60 credit hours may be earned through the approval of CTL Alternative Credit for graduate-equivalent study and/or the awarding of Above and Beyond Credit for exemplary faculty leadership and service, as outlined in the Faculty Appointment and Promotion Process. • Nine years of college teaching experience, three of which must have been at the Associate Professor level at Frederick Community College (including the year of application). • Demonstrate ability to work constructively with the junior members of the faculty and to assume a leadership role in the work of the College. • Give evidence of the capacity to teach at a consistently outstanding level. • Give evidence of meritorious service to the College beyond those duties directly associated with classroom instruction. • Give evidence of superior service in such areas as scholarship, leadership in professional organizations and community activities. Associate Professor • Hold an earned Doctorate through a fully accredited college or university, or