63 Regardless of whether faculty members are probationary, continuous contract, or adjunct, the same principles of academic freedom apply. The 1940 statement on the principles on academic freedom and tenure recommended by the American Association of University Professors may be found at http://aaup.org/report/1940- statement-principles-academic-freedom-and-tenure. TEXT BOOK SELECTION AND USE GUIDELINES These guidelines are not intended to supersede academic freedom of faculty members involved in the selection of course materials. They focus instead on reducing cost, increasing access, and maintaining a student-centered environment. 1. Consider the cost of required materials to students. a. Use alternative material such as handouts, Blackboard postings, and Open Educational Resource (OER) texts when appropriate. b. Consider allowing the use of earlier editions. Ask publishers to supply a compendium that will identify how the old and new texts are aligned. c. Use bundled materials only when individual components can be purchased separately. For example, access codes only when those codes can be purchased separately from the material. 2. Submit book orders on time and document decision points in individual material selection process. 3. Do not require students to purchase materials that will not be used in instruction. 4. When selecting or creating required materials, faculty should verify accessibility, such as availability of electronic textbooks for students with vision and print disabilities, captioning of all audio and video content, and electronic formats that are compatible with screen readers. 5. Request that complimentary copies of materials be placed on reserve in the library and Learning Centers. 6. Collaborate with colleagues on the choice of materials for different sections of the course or for related courses. Students in the same course but different sections can study together and book share if the sections use the same materials. Last minute adjustments to student schedules (including Wait List changes) could adversely affect students if different sections use different materials. 7. Familiarize yourself with MD Senate Bill HB 85 / SB 183 “The Textbook Competition and Affordability Act of 2009”. Guidelines include VII: “The information above [in the ACT] must also be available to the public by posting the information on the college website within 3 weeks following the faculty’s selection of a textbook/materials, or when the selection is finalized (whichever is earlier.)” CONTINUING EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ADJUNCT FACULTY Role of CEWD Adjunct Faculty The Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) Adjunct Faculty is a valued member of the College Community. Qualified CEWD Adjunct Faculty are the backbone of instructional programs that provide Workforce Development, Adult Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Community Education programming. Preparation to provide high quality instruction is paramount to the College. CEWD Adjunct Faculty are selected based on professional preparation and discipline-specific knowledge