45 EMPLOYEE SAFETY AND SECURITY Everyone in the College community plays a role in creating a safe and secure environment. Inclement Weather/College Closings The President or their designee will decide when classes are to be cancelled, or when the College is to be closed because of inclement weather or other emergency conditions. Closings or delays will be announced in accordance with the Inclement Weather/College Closings Policy and Procedures. Employees are expected to sign up for the FCC Alert system. All employees normally scheduled to work on a day the College is closed for inclement weather will be compensated at their regular rate of pay. If an employee has approved leave for a day in which the College is closed for inclement weather, the leave may be rescinded. In order to rescind the leave, the supervisor should cancel the pending leave in PeopleSoft or notify the Payroll Accountant to delete the approved leave. Safety and Health The College and its employees must comply with relevant federal and state occupational health and safety laws and develop operations, procedures, technologies, and programs that foster a safe environment. In addition, all College employees are expected to: 1. Maintain safe and healthy working conditions within their work area. 2. Observe all safety rules and regulations of the College. 3. Exercise maximum care and good judgment at all times to prevent accidents and injuries. 4. Report all injuries on College premises to the Public Safety Office immediately or as soon as possible, regardless of how minor. 5. Report to the Director of Public Safety and/or remedy unsafe conditions, equipment, or practices as soon as possible. 6. Use safety equipment provided by the College. 7. Only use equipment for which they have currently been trained. 8. Adhere to and enforce specific safety protocols for their area. 9. Adhere to the Fitness for Duty expectations outlined in this handbook. Emergency Response Guide The Emergency Response Guide is the official College Safety and Public Safety Plan. It is posted in all classrooms and office suites and is provided to new employees during orientation. It is also available on the College Intranet and from the College Public Safety Office (H-116). The Emergency Response Guide supplies readily accessible information for use in emergency situations. For emergencies, call 2453 from a College phone or use the Security hot button. From any other phone, call (301) 846-2453. Employees are expected to keep a copy of this guide accessible at their desk and review it regularly. Emergency Procedures