2023-2024 Employee Handbook with Faculty Addendum BOT _updat

60 • Intermediate Level: Masters with 45 to 89 credits teaching experience; Faculty document professional growth in teaching; Faculty document positive teaching experience. • Master Level: Masters; Faculty document 90 and above credits of teaching experience; Faculty document professional growth in teaching; Faculty document positive teaching experience. Other Rates of Pay Rank Overload • Full-time faculty who teach an overload are paid at $895 per credit, the Masters level rate on the adjunct pay scale. Full-time faculty who were promoted to full professor before January 1, 2009 will be grandfathered. • Full-time faculty promoted to full professor after January 1, 2009 are paid the same as other full-time faculty for overload at the rate of $895 per credit. • Retired full-time faculty are paid at the level they were paid for overload before retiring. • Administrators who teach a class as a part of their job description during their scheduled work hours will not receive additional compensation for the teaching assignment. Administrators who teach a class outside of their scheduled work hours/job description will be compensated according to the criteria of the FCC adjunct salary scale. Tutorial Assignment • Both adjunct and full-time faculty members may be assigned as tutors and will receive one (1) credit hour for each forty-five (45) hours of such assigned duties. Independent Study • Independent study is offered through the College as a faculty-supervised educational experience directed toward an individualized set of student learning outcomes. The outcomes are tailored to selected identifiable goals of the student, measurable using generally accepted methods of evaluation, and when successfully completed, are awarded credit. All independent study applications are limited to four credits. • A minimum number of three contacts between the student and faculty member is expected during the semester. The initial contact serves to establish the study goals and learning outcomes. A second contact during the 5-6 week of the semester provides early notice of the student’s progress and the opportunity to either continue or terminate the study. The final contact serves to conclude and evaluate the achievement of the student’s learning outcomes. • Independent study assignments are not considered part of a faculty member’s normal teaching load, nor do they contribute to calculation of overload status. Study assignments are reviewed, however, with regard to impact on normal responsibilities outlined in this Addendum. • Remuneration for faculty is $150 per student and is paid regardless of continued enrollment of the student after the second week of classes. Student withdrawal from the study prior to the second week results in a $25 honorarium to faculty to compensate for student contact and time spent in the application process. Faculty are remunerated following completion/termination of the study. Clinical/Field Experience • Clinical/Field Experience staff are compensated by an hourly rate according to a three-tiered pay structure based on education and experience in the field.