
FAQs are on page 2. Kelli Ackiewicz, Community Education Program Manager [email protected] Cheryl Henman, Community Education Program Associate [email protected] THE ILR MISSION The Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR55+) provides quality and accessible opportunities for intellectual stimulation and personal enrichment. ILR offers a breadth of diverse courses to fulfill the intellectual, social, spiritual, and physical interests of adults ages 55 and older. THANK YOU! This course schedule was developed from suggestions provided on course evaluations as well as input from ILR students who listen to the ideas and interests of the community. The ILR staff and curriculum team are pleased to present this exciting schedule with the goal of offering something for everyone. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Table of Contents Summer/Fall 2023 Courses ................................................................. 4 Co-Listed & Online Courses ............................................................. 34 Registration Information .................................................................. 40 Campus Map & Locations.................................................................. 41 Contact Us Registration . .................................................................... 301.624.2888 College Information Center ..................................... 301.846.2419 Disability Access Services (DAS) ............................ 301.846.2408 FCC Bookstore . ............................................................... 301.846.2463 05/2023 Registration opens Monday, June 5 Retired and Inspired! Learn something new about the world and yourself.