
301.624.2888 23 LIR190 Advanced DNA Tools for Genealogy Research 1 session, 2.5 hours | 55+ Dig deeper into your DNA matches using two tools which will help you visualize your DNA matches in a whole new way. Autoclusters and Chromosome “Painting” create colorful charts that separate matches into groups that cluster around one of your ancestral lines. Note: Course will meet on campus in an in-person environment. Instructor: Linda Frydl 5-Digit Number: 25390 | Wed, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m., 10/11 Location: Conference Center/E125 | Fee: $26 ILR867 Becoming Your Family Historian 2 sessions, 4 hours | 55+ Whether you tinkered with it years ago or have dreamed of starting, this class will put you on the path to taking genealogy seriously. We’ll cover basic genealogy methodology, print and electronic resources, establishing a research plan, and caring for your family’s documents and artifacts. Become not just a genealogist but your family’s historian. Note: Course will meet on campus in an in-person environment. Instructor: Mary Mannix 5-Digit Number: 25441 | Tue, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 11/7 - 11/14 Location: Conference Center/E138 Tuition: $15 | Fee: $39 | Total: $54 | MD residents age 60+ pay fee only HOM250 The Fool’s Journey: Tarot Cards for Divination, Brainstorming,Creativity, and Fun 3 sessions, 6 hours | 16 + In today’s world, Tarot is no longer simply the tool of fortune tellers but is used by many for personal growth and creativity. This class will discuss what tarot is and isn’t. You will learn how a deck is arranged and obtain an overview of card meanings. Attendees will get hands-on experience reading throughout the two classes. No need to bring a deck of cards, they will be available for class use. Note: Course will meet on campus in an in-person environment. Instructor: Mary Mannix 5-Digit Number: 25554 | Tue, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 10/10 - 10/24 Location: Conference Center/E126A | Fee: $79 ACR172 Introduction to Voiceovers 1 session, 1.5 hours | 16 + | Have you heard, “Wow, you have a great voice!”? Or listen to audiobooks, commercials, or cartoon characters and think, “I could do that!”Want to earn income using your talents from the comfort of your home? If so, then you could have what it takes to begin working as a professional Voiceover Artist. Explore the voiceover industry with a professional voice actor from the voice acting training company, Voices For All, in a one-on-one, personalized, video chat setting. Discover current trends and how easy and affordable it can be to learn, set up and work from home. In this introductory class, learn different types of voiceovers and the tools to find success. After class, you will have the knowledge necessary to help you decide if this is something you’d like to pursue. Note: The course date and time is scheduled at your convenience. You will be contacted no later than a week after registration to arrange a date/time for your one-on-one course. This Structured Remote Course (SR) is entirely online.. Instructor: Voices For All 5-Digit Number: 25608 | Schedule at your convenience Location: Online | Fee: $49 LIR136 How to Use Your DNA Matches for your Genealogy Research 2 sessions, 4 hours | 55+ A beginner’s guide on how to get started using DNA matches as a tool to help fill in your family tree. Learn to categorize and analyze DNA matches. Also learn how to use shared DNA matches to determine tree branch and strategies to use if a DNA match does not have a tree. Note: Course will meet on campus in an in-person environment. Instructor: Linda Frydl 5-Digit Number: 25389 | Wed, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., 9/20 - 9/27 Location: Conference Center/E125 | Fee: $39 Structured Remote Courses (SR) | Courses offered in an online format only. See page 3 for details.