FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 5 The College Today 5-B-1 May, 2023 SITE INFASTRUCTURE AND ASSESSSMENT Landscaping and Hardscaping Site softscape is generally in good condition. The center of the campus is improved with many native species shrubs and trees, with Sycamore Trees being the dominate species. Most of the trees are 10-12” caliper. The entry driveway has larger caliper trees whose roots are compromising the accessibility of sidewalks into the campus. Improvements to the campus should include relocating the sidewalk out of rootzones or implementing improvements to the sidewalks that won’t compromise their integrity by tree roots. An existing forest conservation easement is recorded for the west side of the campus. This area meets all of the forest conservation requirements for the campus. Any future improvements to the campus should avoid impacts into this zone. Site Hardscaping is variable in condition. Many attempts have been made to provide outdoor seating areas, but in most cases lack compliance with ADA. Similarly, sidewalks to access these areas are noncompliant from a slope perspective or in disrepair due to tree root growth. See ADA analysis for more specific areas of noncompliance. Of particular note is the center courtyard of the campus. The memorial garden is improved with a brick walkway that is noncompliant and sinking due to improper subgrade; also, the benches lack companion spaces for wheelchairs. Soft and hardscape at the Monroe Center is limited to the area directly in front of the doors to the building. These areas are functional, but don’t offer much privacy from the parking lot and street. It is unclear how much of this area is utilized by the students and faculty. ADA/Accessibility A complete ADA analysis of the site is contained in this report under separate cover. There are many routes that are not compliant. There was a reoccurring challenge at pathway intersections of finding compliance problems. Further, many of the parking spaces lacked properly sloped access. Any improvements to the campus should take compliance updates into consideration. The Monroe Center presents similar challenges as with the main campus as it relates to ADA.