FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 5 The College Today 5-C-2 May, 2023 plant cooling capacity to 760 Tons. The third chiller installation allows for some plant redundancy whenever one of the chillers is down for service. Currently, two (2) chillers are able to satisfy the peak connected load, with one (1) chiller often able to satisfy the connected load outside of peak conditions. A summary of the existing chillers is provided in Table 2. The existing chillers were replaced in 2009 and 2017 and are in fair condition. Table 2: Existing Chiller Capacity Chiller # Manufacturer/Model Year Installed Capacity (Tons) 1 Trane CVHF 2017 450 2 Trane CVHF 2017 450 3 McQuay HSC 2009 310 Total (Tons) 1,210 A summary of the existing cooling towers is provided in Table 3. CT-1 and CT-2 are original to central plant and are rated for 450 Tons and 800 Tons, respectively. Each tower fan is provided with a variable frequency drive (VFD). Campus facilities has noted the towers have operational issues including tower basin vortex. In addition, the existing condenser water piping configuration does not allow all three chillers to operate simultaneously and limits chiller plant capacity. Lastly, the existing towers are enclosed by a solid brick wall which may derate the overall tower capacity. Table 3: Existing Cooling Tower Capacity Cooling Tower# Manufacturer/Model Year Installed Capacity (Tons) CT-1 BAC PT2-0609A-3LA2 1994 450 CT-2 BAC PT2-0609A-3LA2 1994 800 Total (Tons) 1,250 A summary of the existing chilled water and condenser water pumps is provided in Table 4. Chilled water and condenser water pumps are assigned to a dedicated chiller and are designed for Primary / Standby operation. Due to the existing piping configuration it is not possible to operate chillers, pumps and cooling towers in different configurations and sequences. Chilled water pumps and condenser water pumps were replaced when chillers CH-1 and CH-2 were replaced and were provided with VFDs. Chilled water and condenser water pumps associated with CH-3 do not currently have VFDs and are original to the plant.