FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 5 The College Today 5-D-1 May, 2023 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS Audiovisual Systems Educational Technology/Audio Visual Systems Observations on the campus were made and virtual staff interviews were conducted with the Educational Technology stakeholders, IT support staff, and facilities personnel. It was noted that while classroom instruction has historically been in-person on the campus, the need for virtual learning and hybrid instruction is an important consideration that continues to affect instructional delivery and facilities planning. Educational Technology standards are continually evolving throughout academia and on the campus. The need for collaborative spaces, hybrid learning, and flexible room arrangements continues to be a high priority. It was noted during staff meetings collaborating improvements could be made between campus AV Staff and Instructional Faculty/Users. Digital Signage: The general consensus of all campus stakeholders is that the inadequate coverage / presence of signage and digital signage throughout the campus needs to be addressed. Class Scheduling / Maintenance: AV support staff noted that the availability of classrooms, and the quick turnaround time between scheduled classes often creates service and maintenance issues. Existing Campus Seminar Room Existing Campus Classroom Existing Podium Electronic Security An Annual Security Report published in October 2021 identified recent improvements to campus security, as well as threat assessments and technical deficiencies. The Electronic Access Control System (card readers) has been recently upgraded throughout the campus. Through meetings with campus facilities and security personnel, several items were noted as requiring further study and consideration: 1. More cameras should be added at the campus entrance 2. Buildings lack exterior markings for identification which presents navigation challenges as well as safety response time inefficiencies