FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 5 The College Today 5-D-3 May, 2023 Telecommunications Structured Cabling System As an initial step in the planning process, CTDG met with the information technology division staff to characterize FCC’s vision for Telecommunications Structured Cabling Systems. An examination of the existing Telecommunications Rooms and Data Centers along with meetings between campus IT facilities’ representatives have established expected practices for any new Distribution Rooms. There is currently a data center relocation project taking place as the part of the Building F renovations which will inform the long-term campus distribution planning. Connectivity standards were discussed with campus IT and a minimum number of connections between Data Centers and Distribution Frames was determined. A number of specific areas of importance have been identified to date, for discussion and consideration: a. Telecom distribution systems design standards are regularly updated by campus IT staff, and should continue to be a key component/requirement of all campus renovation and new construction projects. b. There are approximately Eight (8) to Ten (10) existing campus Telecommunication Rooms that are not up to current IT standards. These should be planned for upcoming renovations and/or replacement. c. The Data center is out of date and in need of modernization. A new data center is currently in construction. d. With the completion of the upgrade to a network-based phone system, the underground conduits system contains an abundance of unused cable. A full survey and plan to remove unused cabling should be planned. e. Each building has one point of entry for networking connectivity. Industry best practices and peer institutions typically recommend two (2) points of entry for redundancy. The long term value vs. cost of including redundancy should continue to be discussed and considered by the College. f. Disaster Recovery: The College needs to develop an approach and process to address disaster recovery plans as relating to the campus network, distribution, and data integrity. g. Staff have noted that shipping and receiving space, as well as security for incoming equipment is inadequate. There is a general lack of dedicated storage space for networking equipment, PC’s, etc. h. Life Safety systems: Valcom paging system is end of life. A replacement system should be discussed and planned for. i. Location Specific: Athletic fields cannot hear pages (loudspeakers needed). ii. Red phones are not consistent through campus. iii. Blue Pole phones around campus are analog based old technology. Also have no accommodation for hearing or visually impaired students. iv. Call boxes in parking deck are analogbased old technology.