FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 5 The College Today 5-E-2 May, 2023 Energy saving air locks at building entrances have been incorporated into several recent renovation projects. CPPM has developed a very thorough Building Design and Construction Standards document, coordinating and unifying products as campus standards, which should limit if not eliminate stocking of products that won’t be used. Those standards also specify water-saving plumbing fixtures and energysaving (LED) lighting fixtures and building control systems. The Chief of Operations, Director of Capital Planning, and Director of Plant Operations all have been employing strategies to use resources responsibly, monitor energy usage, and plan wisely. Academic courses include segments on environmental sustainability, and faculty, administrators and students have spoken and acted in support of furthering the cause of sustainability. All exterior parking lot, walkway, and parking lot lighting has been upgraded to LED. Additionally interior lighting in common areas of some older buildings has been upgraded to LED. As the campus landscaping palette largely focuses on grass, trees and shrubs in its neatly maintained grounds, it also offers several settings where innovative landscaping strategies can be implemented to reflect the growing awareness of the need for a more sustainable environment. In addition to the green spaces, the large expanses of parking lots contribute to an aggregated heat sink during all seasons. The College is on the threshold of making large strides towards a more sustainable future, and numerous opportunities await. These are addressed in Chapter 6.