FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-A-11 May, 2023 Summary: Academic Program Review Before addressing recommendations for academic programs, it is instructive to be mindful of certain factors influencing existing and possibly new programs, per the below considerations: • Strengthening and enhancing existing programs • Proposing new “cutting edge” program initiatives to meet the challenges of the decade ahead • Developing market niches • Promoting interdisciplinary initiatives • Seeking opportunities for greater collaboration and partnerships within and beyond the college A review of the environmental scan, existing programs that are doing well, and the matrices suggests support for certain academic programs, both existing and proposed as new. Existing credit and non-credit areas of study that merit consideration include: • Arts and Humanities and General Studies, in consideration of: critical thinking skills for transfer degrees; Fine and Performing Arts venues in the City of Frederick and in Baltimore and Washington; and already strong arts programs at the College * • In consideration of the strong Frederick economy, note is taken of the many small and large companies, institutions and foundations whose presence in the County is noteworthy. Examples include: o Fort Detrick o Banner Life o NVR, Inc. o Wells Fargo • City of Frederick arts venues include: o Delaplaine Arts Center o Frederick Arts Council o Frederick Festival of the Arts o Maryland Ensemble Theater o Other Voices Theater o Sky Stage o Weinberg Center o Several art galleries • Business, in consideration of the strong and stable Frederick and Maryland economy * • Education and Child Care, in consideration of the labor market in education * • In addition to Frederick Community College, Frederick County educational institutions include: o Frederick County Public Schools o Hood College o Maryland School for the Deaf o Mount Saint Mary’s University • Healthcare, in consideration of the strong healthcare labor market in Frederick County and regionally, particularly in biosciences and biotechnology * • Local healthcare institutions include: o Frederick Health o Frederick Memorial Hospital o Lifebridge Health o Way Station • Local biotechnology and research facilities include: o Astra Zeneca o Frederick National Lab o Kite Pharma o Leidos Biomedical Research o Lonza o Thermo Fisher Scientific o Valogic