FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-A-13 May, 2023 Facilities Needs: Functions, Projects In consideration of several factors, including: the matrix analyses; the space needs, both quantitative and qualitative, described in Chapter 4, Needs Assessment; 40+ interviews with College staff, faculty and trustees, and local and State government officials; evaluation of data provided by the College and gathered by the consultant team; the consultant team’s observations; feedback from the Workshops; and the suggested emphasis for several areas of study, the following list was developed by the consultant team and reviewed with the FCC Steering Committee and Planning staff to identify the various facilities needed by the College. Those facilities and functions are described below, in alphabetical order. Administration Primarily located in Building A / Annapolis Hall, there are both a space and quality of workspace needs for either renovation or new space. Assembly Facilities These include large venue spaces like an arena or convocation center as well as smaller theater type facilities. Athletics and Recreation space has been previously approved as an expansion of Building D / Athletics, but the analysis of this report suggests that a major expansion is more appropriate, also addressing Wellness needs. Even just focusing on Athletics, there are manifold needs for sports programs, like better and larger training and fitness facilities, locker/shower/toilet rooms for visiting teams and officials, team rooms, and staff and faculty offices. Campus-wide Systems and Infrastructure As the College has expanded and will continue to do so, there is a corresponding need for growth and improvements to its utility, central plant and distribution, and technology infrastructure systems. Continuing Education and Workforce Development / Monroe Center Currently accommodated mostly in the Monroe Center and noting on-going demand for CEWD programs by local institutions, businesses and government agencies, the Monroe facilities will need to continue to meet that demand. Some CEWD functions are located in Building E, Conference Center, on the main campus. The short-term strategy is for that accommodation to take place in the Monroe Center, including instructional, workshop, lab, and support spaces. The College acknowledges limitations of the current Monroe Center students and faculty as a separate, remote facility, disconnected in several ways from the Opossumtown Pike campus, specifically related to support functions and amenities available there but not at Monroe. Support functions are most needed, along with improvements and some expansion of current program space. The long term goal is to bring the Monroe functions to the main campus. Enrollment Services. Following the consultant team’s observations and several comments across the board from constituent groups on the main campus, a new facility is recommended at a more strategic location close to the main campus entrance yet still convenient to the academic core. This facility should include all of the current enrollment services functions plus a combined Admissions / Welcome Center Food Facility Alternatives e.g. grab-and-go are suggested to complement those offered in the main dining facility in Building H / Student Center. Gathering Spaces for students should be expanded in number and distribution throughout the College’s buildings, by carving them out of existing buildings and by incorporating them into all new projects.