FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-A-14 May, 2023 Instructional Space including Classrooms and Labs The need here is primarily to provide additional laboratory facilities, likely in new academic building projects. Learning Commons Expansion and Study Spaces. Once students learn the location of the Learning Commons, they frequent it as a key learning support space. LC staff report regular demand for several additional study rooms, as well as additional space for tutoring. Study spaces may also be distributed throughout other academic buildings. Office Space for both faculty and staff are one of the significant categories showing a deficit. Physical Plant Operations. The Central Plant is able to accommodate heating and cooling water current demand but will likely need to expand to provide both for new buildings and additions. Visual and Performing Arts are currently housed in Building F, a 35 year-old building originally constructed as a student center. The building has undergone several renovations with small, scattered additions. Those projects were mostly making the best of what was already there with available funds. The building plan lacks a unified organizational structure; way-finding is a challenge; its circulation paths are circuitous and two are dead-ends; the odd geometries of the floor plan force challenges to furnish rooms efficiently, and space relationships are not well considered; sound transmission through partitions is a significant problem, particularly in music rooms; several rooms are smaller than an ideal size for their function; and, despite a having a regionally recognized ceramics program, the major kiln facility is located on the opposite side of the campus. If it weren’t for other priorities, the disposition of this building would be settled within the 10-year planning horizon. Wellness and Fitness Spaces. Fitness spaces primarily accommodate the Athletics programs, but are not readily available for use by students, faculty and staff. There are effectively no wellness spaces in any buildings on campus. There is an opportunity to combine programs in a new facility to be shared with Athletics.