FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-B-2 May, 2023 existing driveway from the north entrance road to Catoctin and Gambrill Halls with a pedestrian way / new fire lane and service drive from the north entrance road to the proposed new Biotechnology building. The bus stop should be located in front of or near the proposed Enrollment Services and Welcome Center Building. Simultaneously, the less-than-intuitive configuration of the segregated parking areas and circulation within the usable space of Parking Lot 1 should be re-examined and improved. Pedestrian Ways Pedestrian ways are proposed in two different scales: 1) Major axes are shown in the expanded heart of the campus as organizing and connecting elements, defining open spaces, linking existing buildings to each other and to proposed buildings, and, if they are designed properly, vastly improving the pedestrian experience. These pedestrian ways are envisioned to accommodate groups of individuals passing by each other without compromise, able to pause along the way, and feel good about the experience. At 16 feet wide and lined with deciduous tress on both sides, they will allow service vehicles to use these routes under low speeds, safely with regard to pedestrians. Paved bump-out pads for benches, lighting, waste containers, and signage keep the traffic going smoothly. They would most likely be paved in concrete but perhaps with certain areas like edge trim or intersections in unit pavers. 2), Narrower sidewalks are suggested at 6-to-8 feet wide, probably concrete again, and also highlighted with unit pavers similar to those described above for the major axes. New sidewalks will be needed in addition to maintaining the existing walkways. Pedestrianscale lighting, benches, signage as well as site furnishings should be part of the vision. Signage The campus signage program should be reconsidered, pursuant to the consultant team’s observations and those of FCC faculty and staff described in Section 5B. This would apply to all site signage except the pinned building names mounted to the exterior walls which should remain as a campus standard. ADA/Accessibility A complete ADA analysis of the site is included in a separate document submitted with this report. Recommendations from that document should be adopted and implemented as part of the suggested landscape master plan. Any improvements to the campus should take compliance updates into consideration.