FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-B-3 May, 2023 Ten-Year Planning Horizon: Buildings 1-4 Site Improvements Building 1 Health & Wellness Building / Building D Renovation Pedestrian Improvements While the new building cuts off vehicular access to the parking to the east of building G, it creates the opportunity for an enhanced pedestrian gathering area in the loca�on of the old parking lot. This improvement in concert with pedestrian connec�ons to the southwest and towards the southeast helps to enhance the pedestrian experience through the campus. These paths will need to be designed to comply with current accessibility requirements. Unique opportuni�es for gathering can be created along these promenades at each of the exis�ng buildings that the pathway passes. Parking and Driveways While this new building cuts off vehicular access to the parking to the east of building G, the new fire lane / pedestrian walk will permit access for service and emergency vehicles. To allow for con�nuity, a cul-de-sac is recommended at the interface between the new building, building D and the central plant. This cul-de-sac will need to be large enough to accommodate a fire truck. U�li�es Beyond connec�ng new u�li�es to the new building, the building will require the reloca�on of several exis�ng u�li�es. An 8” waterline that connects a loop system of domes�c/fire through the campus will need to be moved to the west side of the new building to allow con�nuous service. In addi�on, there are several communica�on and electrical lines that will need to be moved from the footprint of the new building. Lastly, there is a natural gas line that will need to be moved to accommodate the building. All of these u�li�es are pressure or dry and can be relocated with rela�ve ease. Stormwater Management The new building and associated new impervious areas will be subject to water quality treatment in accordance with the requirements of MDE and the City of Frederick. Stormwater management should be accomplished through microscale prac�ces that are located near the area they are trea�ng to limit their size. These facili�es should be woven into the overall landscape plan for the site. Volumetric stormwater management is accomplished at the exis�ng dry pond at the front of the site. Building 2 Campus Services Building Pedestrian Improvements This building will primarily be accessed by vehicles, but has an opportunity to connect to the existing sidewalk network to the south of Building K. Due to the multi-floor at grade access of the new building a switchback handicap ramp will be required to comply with accessibility requirements. Parking and Driveways The loca�on of the new driveway to the lower level of the new building creates an opportunity to improve the site distance that is par�ally blocked at the parking deck. This relocated driveway could poten�ally create a true intersec�on with the driveway to the new building thus further improving safety.