FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-B-4 May, 2023 Parking for the building is proposed to be located in a new parking lot north of the building. Any equipment parking will be located in the service yard to the south. The yard is large enough to allow a tractor trailer to enter and backup into the space between the buildings and exit through the same driveway with rela�ve ease. Furthermore, the yard has sufficient laydown area for storage of equipment, plows, or debris. U�li�es Beyond connec�ng new u�li�es to the new building, the building will require the reloca�on of a 12” watermain. This line provides to loop the camps with the City water system to the west of the campus and provides emergency backup for the campus. Stormwater Management The new building and associated new impervious areas will be subject to water quality treatment in accordance with the requirements of MDE and the City of Frederick. Stormwater management should be accomplished through microscale prac�ces that are located near the area they are trea�ng to limit their size. Due to the nature of the facility the City may deem this building to be a “hotspot”, and thus subject to addi�onal oil and grit separa�on upstream of any microscale prac�ce in accordance with MDE requirements. Volumetric stormwater management is accomplished at the exis�ng dry pond at the front of the site. Building 3 Innovation and Technology Center Pedestrian Improvements This building will be constructed adjacent to the new pedestrian walkway created with the construc�on of Building 1. The building will need to be connected to the pedestrian areas to the south to help create a safe pedestrian connec�on to the new walkway on the west side of the new building. Parking and Driveways The new building is located within an exis�ng parking lot, and will result in a net loss of parking. This parking reduc�on will need to be coordinated with the City of Frederick as part of the Site Plan process to ensure that overall campus parking is not compromised by this parking reduc�on. Utilities Beyond connecting new utilities to the new building, the building will require the relocation of several existing utilities. There are several communication and electrical lines that will need to be moved from the footprint of the new building. Of particular concern will be the relocation of an existing gravity flow sanitary sewer that serves the parking deck, building E and Building C. The sewer will need to be relocated to the west side of the building and should be studied early in the project to determine if an ejector pump will be required should the slopes of the sewer not be able to accommodate the relocation. Stormwater Management The new building and associated new impervious areas will be subject to water quality treatment in accordance with the requirements of MDE and the City of Frederick. Stormwater management should be accomplished through microscale prac�ces that are located near the area they are trea�ng to limit their size. These facili�es should be woven into the overall landscape plan for the site. Volumetric stormwater management is accomplished at the exis�ng dry pond at the front of the site.