FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-C-2 May, 2023 Estimated Central Plant Demand 1,150 Tons 13,035 MBH Estimated Campus Demand 1,425 Tons 15,640 MBH Notes: 1. Estimated cooling and heating demand is based off of approximate SF/Ton and SF/MBH. Facilities Renewal Upgrades An analysis of the existing central plant and its components has been provided in Chapter 5 of the Facilities Master Plan. It is recommended that the following deferred maintenance items be addressed at the central plant. It is recommended that these items be addressed before, or during the construction of the Wellness, Athletics and Recreation Building which would include renovations to Building D and expansion of the central plant. These items should be addressed in order to ensure capacity and reliability at the central plant. • The existing heating water pumps are in poor condition and past their useful life. New heating water pumps should be provided and should be equipped with variable frequency drives. • While the current central plant has three (3) available chillers only two (2) chillers can run at the same time. The existing central plant chilled water piping and associated controls should be modified to allow for simultaneous three (3) chiller operation. This would increase the overall plant capacity and provide some redundancies at the plant for its near term operation. • The existing cooling towers and associated condenser water system is susceptible to tower vortex which forces the system to be run in manual operation to reduce risk of failure on the condenser water system. The existing towers were installed in 1994 and should be considered for replacement. Replacement and modifications to the condenser water system should be provided to allow for future capacity growth, system redundancy and allow for automated operation. • Sections of the existing underground chilled water and heating water distribution piping are suspected of leaking and can greatly increase the overall water consumption of the plant. It is recommended that older sections of the underground distribution piping be replaced. The replacement of the underground distribution piping should be coordinated with the 10 year facilities master plan to minimize impact to campus operations. • The existing electrical system should be considered for upgrade should additional chillers be added. The switchboard configuration as currently installed will not allow the addition of fusible switches or circuit breakers which would be required to support additional chillers. Also, the switchboard and some of the electrical distribution system was installed in 1994 and is nearing the end of its useful life. Several of the original distribution panels and branch circuit panels within the central plant are still in service and should be replaced. Parts for this equipment are no longer manufactured and the equipment has exceeded its useful life. Chilled Water System Table 2 below summarize the net increase in cooling demand anticipated at the central plant, as well as the campus during the next 10 year facility master plan (2023-2033). The following