FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-C-3 May, 2023 upgrades should be considered to the central plant during the construction of the Wellness, Athletics and Recreation Building which would include renovations to Building D, in order to accommodate the increased cooling load on Campus. • The existing central chilled water plant has a connected chiller capacity of 1,210 Tons, but it is anticipated that the capacity is limited to 760 Tons, since only two chillers are able to run at a time. It is recommended that existing central plant grow in size and a new 450 Ton chiller by provided to increase the total connected capacity of the plant to 1,660 Tons. Existing chiller, CH-3 was installed in 2009 and will be approaching its useful life in the next ten years. The additional chiller will provide the plant with adequate capacity and redundancy in the near term while the campus expands. • In order to accommodate the increased chilled water capacity at the plant it is recommended that the cooling tower yard be expanded, and the existing cooling towers be replaced. Two (2) new 850 Ton cooling tower should be considered for a total condenser water capacity of 1,700 Tons. • New chilled water and condenser water pumps should be provided to support the new chiller and cooling tower equipment. All new pumps should be provided with variable frequency drives. • It is anticipated that chiller #3 should be replaced in the next 10 years. When chiller #3 is replaced, FCC should consider the newer technologies that are available. A new heat recovery or heat pump chiller may be considered to reduce the annual consumption of natural gas at the plant by reducing the demand on the existing gas fired boilers. The final size and performance of CH #3 should be verified at the time of replacement. Table 2: Existing and Future Cooling Demand Summary Central Plant Cooling Demand (Tons) Campus Cooling Demand (Tons) Existing 740 880 Future (2023-2033) 1,150 1,425 Net Increase 410 544 Heating Water System Table 3 below summarize the net increase in heating demand anticipated at the central plant, as well as the campus during the next 10 year facility master plan (2023-2033). The following upgrades should be considered to the central plant during the construction of the Wellness, Athletics and Recreation Building which would include renovations to Building D, in order to accommodate the increased heating load on Campus. • It is anticipated that two (2) new 4,000 MBH condensing boilers should be provided to accommodate the increase heating load and to provide redundancy at the central heating plant. It is recommended that the existing Weil-McLain firetube boiler be removed in order to accommodate the new, more efficient condensing hot water boilers.