FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan 2023 Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-E-3 May, 2023 Strategies to mitigate the effects of storm water include filtration at the points and edges of runoff, channeling the water to natural retention and filtration areas, and pervious pavement. All should be considered in any project involving the hardscape. Parking lots are major contributors to heat island issues, and the larger they are, the greater the build-up and radiation of the heat. One effective way to reduce the negative effects is by incorporating green spaces with trees within the area of the parking lot. These areas can be islands or larger areas separating parking bays and allowing water to flow into them from the parking surfaces. Relative to vehicle emissions, the proposed new loop road configuration connecting both entrance roads will provide a shorter and more efficient path from one to the other, and to parking areas and campus destinations in a real loop, reducing the time vehicles are using the campus road system and their corresponding emissions. Another indirect strategy includes providing friendly environments inside the campus buildings where, if designed correctly, students may prefer to be there rather than sitting in their cars with the engine running. This would also bring other benefits, like providing opportunities for socializing or studying together. It all counts. Fleet The College-owned vehicles should at least be fuel-efficient, but preferably electric vehicles like UTV’s (utility task vehicles) that the College already operates for on-campus use, and larger, commercial vehicles including cars, trucks and buses. When existing vehicles using fossil fuels are retired, the replacements should be preferable electric, or at the least hybrid. Buildings All buildings are either required be LEEDSilver-Certified if State-funded, or, if not, then they should be designed and constructed to meet LEED Silver standards. In addition, in design for buildings to be occupied by persons (i.e. excluding garages, storage, utility buildings or the like), biophilic design principles, including natural shapes and forms, natural patterns and processes, light and space, place-based relationships, and evolved humanenvironment connections should be considered. And for glazing systems and windows, bird-friendly glass should be evaluated. CSNA In addition, per the Maryland Climate Solutions Now Act (CSNA) FCC will be required to reduce its carbon emissions by 60% compared to 2006 levels by 2031 and reach net-zero emissions by 2045. In order to achieve these goals, CSNA will require buildings over 35,000 square feet to meet the Maryland Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS). More information regarding the requirements of BEPS will be available in June, 2023. Since FCC will be required to reduce carbon emissions by 60% by the end of this facility master plan, it is recommended that FCC consider technologies and renewable energies that reduce the use of fossil fuels on campus.