FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan 2023 Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-E-4 May, 2023 The following strategies can be considered when looking to reduce overall carbon emissions in the next 10 years: • Replace existing gas fired boilers with more efficient condensing gas fired boilers. • Where buildings are connected to the central heating water plant, renovate existing heating water coils with low temperature hot water coils. Producing lower temperature heating water can improve condensing boiler efficiency and reduce gas consumption. • Consider heat recovery chiller or heat pump chillers at the central plant to provide simultaneous chilled water and heating water capacity. Utilizing a heat recovery chiller to address the campus base heating and cooling load can reduce the consumption of natural gas at the plant. • New standalone buildings or renovated standalone building that are not connected to the central plant should consider all-electric or decarbonized HVAC systems, which utilize electric for heating in lieu of fossil fuels. All-electric HVAC systems include water source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps and variable refrigerant flow systems, among others. Energy Production Opportunities for on-campus energy production will likely be limited to solar photovoltaic installations. Wind turbines may not be feasible in consideration of the Butterfield community and possible Fort Detrick limitations on structures of adjacent properties. That effectively leaves photovoltaic (solar) panels, or PVs, which are typically installed on rooftops or at grade. The ‘mansard’ architecture on most of the existing buildings leaves only the internal wells, which have been claimed for mechanical equipment. On a limited number of existing buildings, some roof surfaces are ‘level’ and suitable for PV installation. In addition, new buildings with ‘level’ roof areas will offer additional opportunities. More importantly, there are acres of surface parking (plus the garage upper deck) where several arrays of panels can be mounted on framed structures above the parking spaces. The panels create power and simultaneously provide shade. Refer to Section 6C Central Plant for further discussion of solar panel systems, technology and acquisition.