FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-G-2 May, 2023 • Learning spaces and their furnishings should be as flexible as possible. • Consider modifying or expanding existing labs to also accommodate flexible space for lecture/instruction mode. • Review lab storage configuration in Building C to improve safety conditions when chemicals are moved to the lab. • A long term plan for an FCC Career, Technical, and CEWD Center coordinated with Frederick County Public Schools, is needed, addressing the needs of CEWD, the Monroe Center, the main FCC Campus, and the adjacent FCPS Career and Technology Center (CTC). • A long term plan to better accommodate Early College and Dual Enrollment students on campus. Provide a ‘home’ for Early College students, proximate to their classroom destinations and to support functions. Student Affairs, Student Services, Student Support • Targeted services such as DEI, Multicultural, and Disability Services suites should be grouped together to extent feasible. • Locate office/meeting space for student advisors in a prominent location, closer to faculty offices, e.g. in the Student Center. In addition, facilitate utilization of remote advising. • A ‘Quick Question Advisor’ or ‘Ask Me Anything’ desk located in the Student Center should be considered, alongside a relocated Help Desk. • Provide additional, accessible gathering spaces for student use between classes, in addition to those already in place in the Student Center like the Game Room. Two types of spaces should be provided: quiet study and social/’hang-out’. • Acknowledging that some students prefer to bring their own food to campus, provide lockers where coolers (and other gear) can be stored. • Consider providing microwaves in some of the more active spaces. • Food. Consider healthier and additional options in vending machines; also, an additional, smaller venue like a ‘Grab-n-Go’ located in a building other than the Student Center (e.g. the proposed Wellness/Athletics project) that would offer extended hours beyond the Student Center grille. • The setting for a student food pantry should be studied so that it is accessible and at the same time laid out and in a location where students who may be hesitant to use it would feel less awkward. • Provide shelves and/or hooks in restrooms for students’ gear, coats, books, etc. • When planning the proposed new Student Services and Welcome Center, consider the essential spaces that need to be located on the first floor. Safety, Security • Provide additional cameras, including at the main entrances to the campus. • Doors to classrooms, offices, other spaces: investigate upgrading insecure doors to be more secure, while still allowing visibility into the rooms from the corridor while at the same time providing a way to obscure the glass panels in an active intruder or lockdown event. At the same time the doors would be upgraded, sound seals can be installed at the door perimeter.