FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Recommendations, Campus Development 6-G-3 May, 2023 • Move the Safety and Security offices from the ground floor center location in the Student Center. Consider a swap with the Help Desk in Gambrill Hall. • Provide a second data center as a back-up. • Update and expand the blue-light emergency call system. Monroe Center The Monroe Center was discussed extensively during the course of this study. Since its inception in 2017, the Center has developed into a well utilized facility, but with some specific needs. Recommendations include: • For Monroe students, provide on-site services which are currently available to students on the main campus but not at Monroe, including advising, counseling, tutoring, financial aid and other student services. • Provide support spaces for the above, as well as a limited food service facility. • Improve and expand the number of instructional spaces including labs, studios, workshops, general instruction, and storage space. • Expand the Hospitality and Culinary spaces. • Improve connections such as a shuttle between campuses and VR connection between Monroe and Jefferson Hall on the main campus. General, Miscellaneous • Windows in existing and new buildings should include operable sashes. • Improve ways to find and get to lactation rooms. • Provide single-use restrooms on the ground floor of all buildings. • Planning for offices should consider hoteling, shared office space, and hot desks for use by full time and adjunct faculty. • Consider a faculty help center and lounge. • Consider uniform digital signage or monitors to convey information and updates to students and others using the buildings. • Incorporate a secure receiving and storage space in the proposed new Plant Services Building. • Affordable housing for students. The cost of housing in the Frederick area is unaffordable for most students. Consider multiple strategies to develop housing for FCC students, including partnerships and associations with a developer and/or the City of Frederick, and/or individual homeowners to take advantage of the City of Frederick’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance, and/or establish a foundation to help make this possible.