FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 6 Capital Projects, Campus Development 6-H-3 May, 2023 needed for Student Services, 3) introduce a new Welcome Center near the ‘front door’ of the campus, and 4) allow for a relatively easy relocation of administrative functions to the Jefferson building. • Site work associated with this project will include realignment of a portion of the campus entry road west of the intersection with the CTC driveway, to provide a clearer circulation pattern. The building is located within the current Visitor Parking Lot, so a new lot has been proposed immediately north of the new Enrollment Services / Welcome Center building. In addition, completion of the pedestrian axis constructed as part of project 1 is anticipated from the interface location south of Linganore Hall to a new bus stop location on the loop road southeast of the new building. PROPOSED PROJECTS: LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT • Jefferson Hall Renovation. This project would follow the construction of the new Enrollment Services / Welcome Center Building, allowing administrative functions to relocate from Annapolis Hall. • Demolition of Annapolis Hall and Expanded Quad. This project assumes relocation of most if not all functions from Annapolis Hall to the Jefferson Building. It also will open up the much-needed opportunity to develop an expanded and integrated quad and open space concept connecting most of the existing and proposed campus buildings. • Fine and Performing Arts. Acknowledging the existing issues and compromises in the existing Building F, this project is envisioned to finally properly house the successful arts programs of the College, to be located at the end of and defining the existing quad between Buildings D and L. • Monroe Center Expansion and Renovation. This project will provide major improvements to the existing functions now housed in Monroe while also expanding the program and support functions that aren’t there now. • Playing Fields, Athletic Facilities, and related Site Improvements. This project will include improvements to existing athletics and recreation fields, including baseball, softball, soccer, and tennis, also including two ‘Field Houses’ to house storage, restrooms, and concessions functions. • Campus loop road connection. After a new Fine and Performing Arts building is constructed, FCC should consider linking the loop road from the entrance to Parking Lot 9 as shown on the proposed Long-Range plan. • Emergency Access to Summerfield Drive. In the event that both Opossumtown Pike entrances to the campus are closed or not available, it is prudent to provide for a third access and egress point, also providing direct and safe access to the campus from the adjacent residential community. • Future Academic Building. As the College continues to grow, it is expected that another academic building will be needed. At that point in time, at least one decade into the future, it will be appropriate to address that need in a future Facilities Master Plan. With replacement of the Fine and Performing Arts building, the current Building F site provides a large footprint of space for future facilities.