FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 1 Overview of the College 1-7 May, 2023 leadership experience, passion for education and equity, and her all-around positive energy. Dr. Cheek was impressed by the love and commitment to FCC by all who participated in the search. Given her background, Dr. Cheek expressed her enthusiasm “…to hit the ground listening and learning about the College and its connections to support a vibrant workforce and regional economy.”24 Developing a Transcendent BuiltEnvironment Responsive to Human Needs “Campus master plans guide the physical development needed to support the mission and strategic plan of an institution of higher education. They direct how various aspects of the physical environment, such as academic facilities, open spaces, housing, and circulation come together to meet the needs of the college or university. Most importantly, the campus master plan establishes the setting in which higher education transforms students’ lives. The endeavor of creating a place that supports learning demands a transcendent environment equal to the transformation that IS the educational journey for the students, whether traditional late adolescents or part-time and mid-career adults. A campus master plan reflects a clear campus identity, reinforces a community and supports the institution’s neighbors.”25 Buildings and the built-environment do not exist in a vacuum. They are a response to the needs of people, programs, activities, and stuff (e.g. furniture and equipment, consumables, things, etc.) essential to human beings. A campus is more than a collection of buildings. 24 https://www.wfmd.com/2022/02/16/frederick-communitycollege-board-of-trustees-names-new-president/ 25 Dalton, Linda, Ph.D., FAICP; California Polytechnic; https://www.appa.org/bok/campus-master-planning-2/; Higher education institutions are change agents for communities and societies as a whole.26 Transforming A Student to Facilitate Holistic Student Success Eight Dimensions of Wellness “In large part, throughout the history of academic ins�tu�onal wellness programming, wellness programs have typically been geared for the student popula�on. Most ins�tu�ons and execu�ve administrators are challenged with sustaining themselves financially, by remaining compe��ve in the marketplace, and atrac�ng and retaining students… Execu�ve leadership, faculty and staff are becoming more aware of the impediments that undermine student success metrics, like sleeplessness, anxiety, stress, depression, poor ea�ng habits, lack of ac�vity and overall poor coping mechanisms (American College Health Associa�on, 2018). Although many academic ins�tu�ons have ins�tuted wellness programs for students and/or employees, there are a limited number who have implemented comprehensive, structured and integrated approaches to health and wellness (Hill-Mey et al., 2015)… Academic ins�tu�ons have a unique opportunity and responsibility to provide transforma�ve educa�on, engage the student voice, develop new knowledge and understanding, lead by example, and advocate to decision-makers for the benefit of society. In the emergent knowledge society, higher educa�on ins�tu�ons are posi�oned to generate, share and implement knowledge and research findings to enhance the health of ci�zens 26 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJSHE09-2021-0407/full/html