FCC Facilities Master Plan May 2023 - Compressed (1)

Frederick Community College Facilities Master Plan Chapter 2 Environmental Scan 2-8 May, 2023 Livable Frederick Master Plan30 maintaining the trajectory of current planning policies; acknowledge City of Frederick as major regional center for business, institutions, residential living, and culture; suburban place-making; and multi-modal places and corridors addressing community, health, economy and environment. The underlying themes at all levels below the global level acknowledge lowered birthrates, global competition and the need to maintain and grow communities that have clean air and water, safe and healthy neighborhoods, resilient economies, access to housing and transportation choices with education as the underpinning. Over the last fifty years the following gender inequity has ensued:31 • The rate of part-time work varies over the life cycle, and is highest at the beginning and at the end of the working life for both women and men. Women part-time workers outnumber men at each stage of the life cycle, but the differences are particularly high during early- and mid-career. • Almost nine in 10 of those who work part-time because of child care and other family-related reasons are women. Part-time work is significantly more common in low-wage occupations, such as cashiers, customer service representatives, and nursing and personal care workers, where women are the majority of the workforce and it is less common to have stable hours. • Part-time work is often of lower quality than full-time work, with lower pay and few benefits. Providing part-time workers with lower benefits or pay than comparable full-time workers is illegal in most other high-income economies. • Women are close to half of all involuntary part-time workers. The share of Black and Hispanic women part-time workers (ages 25 years and older) who report that they worked part-time involuntarily (22 and 21 percent, respectively) is more than twice as high as for White women (10 percent), and nearly twice as high as it is for Asian women (12 percent). 30https://www.frederickcountymd.gov/DocumentCenter/V iew/319126/Livable-Frederick-Master-Plan---AdoptedPlan?bidId= 31 https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2018/article/pdf/whochooses-part-time-work-and-why.pdf