Frederick Community College • Spring 2025 Credit Schedule • • 301.846.2400 10 B Students who live in Frederick County or in Maryland and qualify for in-county or in-state tuition, as outlined by the Maryland Dream Act, will remain undocumented immigrants US residency status is processed, determined and completed by the US government VIII. Reclassification of Residency for Tuition Purposes A Students requesting a reduced tuition rate based on a change of address must submit proof of actual address change as defined in Section VIII by completing the online “Change of Address” form The proof of residency and “Change of Address” form can also be submitted in print by one of the following ways: 1 In-person to Registration and Records within the Enrollment Center located in Jefferson Hall, 2 Through assigned “myFCC” email account by emailing registration@frederick edu 3 By fax (3016242799), or 4 Via US postal mail to Registration and Records B Students requesting a reduced tuition rate based on Visa status can do so by completing the online “Tuition Rate Change” form The “Tuition Rate Change” form can also be submitted in print by one of the following ways: 1 In-person to Registration and Records within the Enrollment Center located in Jefferson Hall, 2 Through assigned “myFCC” email account by emailing registration@frederick edu 3 By fax (3016242799), or 4 Via US postal mail to Registration and Records C Request for change in residency classification for tuition purposes must be submitted prior to the “last day to add” for the first session for which the student is enrolled in order to be changed for that session Residency determination for tuition purposes is term specific and not retroactive A student who moves to a different residence during a semester and provides proof after the “last day to add” will have their residency adjusted for the following semester D If there has been a change of address that affects residency, tuition will be adjusted for the following semester as follows: 1 A student moving to a higher tuition rate based on their residency will have their residency determination for tuition purposes automatically changed to reflect their new residency status 2 A student moving to a lower tuition rate based on their residency will bear the burden of proof of the new residency status IX. Proof of Residency In accordance with Maryland State and Federal Law, any of the following factors will be considered to be proof of legal residency: A Substantially uninterrupted presence, including the months when the student is not in attendance at the College, as evidenced by ownership or rental of living quarters in which the student resides (12-month lease or mortgage) B Payment of Maryland state and local income taxes (MD 502 Tax Form) C Registration to vote in Frederick County and/or the state (Voters Registration Card) D Registration of a motor vehicle in the state, with a local address specified, if the person owns such a vehicle (Motor Vehicle Registration Card) E Possession of a valid Maryland driver’s license, with a local address specified, if the person is licensed anywhere to drive a motor vehicle, or a valid Maryland MVA-issued ID (Driver’s license or MVA issued ID card) F Active duty military personnel, honorably discharged veterans, spouses and dependents who reside, are stationed, or domiciled in Maryland are exempt from the 3-month requirement and are considered in-county once proof is shown (Military orders, letter from Education Officer, DD214 and any of the residency factors listed above) X. Appeals and Exceptions to Residency Classification for Tuition Purposes Students who intend to appeal their residency classification may do so by appealing in writing, to the College Registrar Appeals must be accompanied by appropriate evidence of your actual residence Your appeal must be received before the end of the third week of classes in the fall and spring semesters, and the first week of summer and winter terms Any changes received after these deadlines will be effective the following semester Students who are in unstable housing situations may be eligible for adjusted tuition based on residency classification for tuition purposes Contact the Registrar to discuss potential ways and documentation to prove residency XI. Related Policies and Procedures Admissions Tuition and Fees The official version of the College Determination of Residency for Tuition Purposes Policy and Procedures is located on and may be revised annually. Revisions to this policy took effect July 1, 2021. In-county Tuition Rate for Employees of Frederick County Business & Industry FCC offers in-county tuition rates for students working within Frederick County Employer must offer a tuition reimbursement program to employees For details please call the Student Finance Office at 3018462456 or email studentfinance@ frederick edu Veteran and Military Educational Benefits FCC is approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission to train eligible veterans, dependents, and active duty personnel If you are not sure what type of VA benefits you qualify for, you may contact the VA Regional Office’s toll-free number 1 888 442 4551 or visit the VA website at gibill va gov To learn more about the FCC services available to veterans, service members, and their families and for links to additional resources, please visit The FCC point of contact for students using VA and Military Education programs is FCC Veteran and Military Services, Annapolis Hall (A-109); veterans@frederick edu; 301 624 2836 Senior Citizen Tuition Benefit Policy Students age 60 and older who are Maryland residents may take classes on a graded or audit basis at FCC if they register starting December 13, 2024 for Spring 2025 semester. Students receiving this Tuition Benefit must meet all the required course prerequisites Students must pay fees See the Tuition & Fees on page 2 for an explanation of fees and payment due dates You can register before this date to reserve space, but you will have to pay full tuition and will not be eligible for the tuition-free benefit There is no waiver of fees