
Frederick Community College • Spring 2025 Credit Schedule • frederick.edu • 301.846.2400 6 Academic Assessment and Placement Policy and Procedures I. Philosophy and Scope Frederick Community College (“FCC” or the “College”) is committed to supporting student success by ensuring appropriate course placement using a series of computer- based assessment tests that measure individuals’ reading, writing, and math skills Minimum placement scores, known as cut scores, are established through statewide agreements These scores are used to determine college-readiness and placement into specific courses, including developmental, English language acquisition, and college- level courses Credit courses have prerequisites that include expectations of college- readiness as reflected in the placement scores and/or other pre-established expectations This policy and procedures outlines placement test requirements, guidelines for placement, and exemptions and exceptions to required placement testing II. Definitions for the Purpose of this Policy and Procedures A “Certificate-Seeking” refers to a category of individuals who have declared an intent to follow a sequence of specific credit courses resulting in a formal award of completion of up to 36 credits B. “Courses of Interest” refers to a category of individuals who seek to take courses listed as credit in the FCC Academic Catalog for personal knowledge or professional development as opposed to the fulfillment of FCC program requirements C “Degree-Seeking” refers to a category of individuals who have declared an intent to follow a prescribed curriculum in a career or transfer program that leads to an associate degree, which is generally sixty (60) credits, unless otherwise specified D. “Developmental Courses” refers to courses that prepare students for college-level coursework in reading, writing, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and math Developmental education may include multiple course sequences with students progressing as skills are developed Students are assigned to developmental courses based on their placement test scores E “Enrollment” refers to the status achieved when an individual has registered for classes and has either paid or made arrangements for payment of tuition and/or fees F. “Full-time Enrollment” refers to a student enrolled in twelve (12) or more credits during the fall or spring semesters, or in a total of twelve (12) credit hours cumulatively for the summer session, not inclusive of audited courses G “Continuously Enrolled” refers to the requirement that a student be enrolled continuously with breaks no longer than four (4) consecutive full academic semesters (fall or spring semesters) H “Readmitted Students” refers to individuals who have not attended FCC within the past two years and have reapplied for admission to the College I “Transfer student” refers to an individual who has attended another institution of higher learning after high school graduation or equivalency, and who may seek to receive credit for prior college coursework J. “Prerequisites” refers to expectations that must be met before enrollment in a course is allowed III. Responsible Senior Leader and Responsible Office Provost and Vice President for Teaching, Learning, and Student Success IV. Entities Affected by this Policy and Procedures • FCC currently enrolled and prospective students • FCC faculty, staff, and administrators V. Placement Testing Requirements A After applying to the College, placement tests are required for: 1 Individuals who are first-time college students seeking a degree or certificate, whether they enroll full-time or part-time 2 Individuals planning to take their first English or mathematics course 3 Currently enrolled students seeking a degree/certificate, whether enrolled full- time or part-time, who have not been tested in the past or whose placement scores and/or exemptions have expired 4 Transfer or readmitted individuals who have not completed a college-level math and/or English course 5 Individuals who are designated as Courses of Interest students and wish to enroll in courses with prerequisites of reading, writing, ESOL, or mathematics 6 Individuals who change their designation from Courses of Interest to certificate- or degree-seeking 7 Individuals who are registering for non-credit courses with prerequisites of reading, writing, ESOL, or mathematics that are provided through contract training or offered in the Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) course schedule B Upon completion of all required placement tests, individuals are required to consult with an advisor to develop a degree, certificate, or appropriate plan for completion, including course selection Individuals will choose courses based on their placement scores and their individual career and college goals C Placement tests are not required for individuals as noted under Section VII “Exceptions and Exemptions to Required Placement Testing” VI. Placement Guidelines A Unless otherwise indicated, placement scores are determined using ACCUPLACER academic assessments B Placement scores will be valid for two years after the date of taking the placement tests C Minimum cut scores have been determined for college-readiness in reading, writing, and mathematics D Students, whose first language is not English, will take ACCUPLACER ESL tests to determine reading and writing placement scores when less than four (4) years of English as a Second Language high school coursework were completed E Individuals with documented disabilities as verified by the Disability Access Services Office will receive reasonable accommodations while completing the required placement tests F Individuals are permitted to retest once per ACCUPLACER Next Generation assessment, no sooner than twentyfour (24) hours after the initial assessment G Students who are continuously enrolled will not be permitted to retest once they have started attending developmental or English language acquisition course(s) H Readmitted students must either retest or complete the developmental or English language acquisition course(s) as stipulated in the current FCC Academic Catalog I Individuals who demonstrate college-readiness as stipulated in Section VII “Exceptions and Exemptions to Required Placement Testing” will be eligible to enroll in the appropriate credit-level courses according to their specific college-readiness scores