
2 T H E T U S C A R O R A R E V I E W 2 0 2 3 If you blur your eyes, his snack of bone and skin loses its human shape It becomes just meat The head gone, he has already feasted What is left is a torso Barely identifiable by the shape of legs that jut out from his suffocating hands The only way he could complete the act was to remove the face Then his son ceases to be his son Becoming only a body A father’s rage tearing at limbs Pulling back skin and reaching for the core His tongue has tasted what came from him Blood called to blood Flesh returned to flesh  Author Information: I was inspired to make this piece because I have always been fascinated by cannibalism, especially when it is portrayed in a fictional context. I also have a deep love for mythology. One of my favorite paintings, by Goya, depicts the Titan Saturn eating his son. Not only does the painting encapsulate both my interest in mythology and cannibalism, but it shows the brutality that parent-child relationships can take on.