Employee Giving Campaign

On behalf of the FCC Foundation, a warm thank you to FCC employees who supported FCC Foundation scholarships and the Student Success Fund. Your gifts are already at work making a difference for FCC students!
No matter our role at the College, every day we dedicate ourselves to helping, nurturing, educating, and mentoring student. It is in this spirit, that you are invited to join us in supporting our annual Employee Giving Campaign and make a gift that impacts the lives of our biggest investments—our students.
At FCC, we can demonstrate our remarkable commitment to our students and academic community by participating in our Employee Giving Campaign being held this February. Through our collective efforts, we can fund the educational needs of many FCC students as well as instructional and student support needs. Your support helps change lives, and fund innovative ideas to drive student success.
- Increases scholarship opportunities for students. See a list of all Scholarships.
- Helps raise critical funds for student emergencies such as housing assistance, child care, transportation and more through the Student Success Fund.
- Strengthens academic programs.
There are three easy ways to make a gift.
- Mail a check made payable to the FCC Foundation. Please note your fund preference on the memo line.
- Frederick Community College Foundation, Inc.
7932 Opossumtown Pike
Frederick, MD 21702
- Use the secure online giving page. Indicate your giving designation using the drop down selections or comment section.
- Complete the Employee Payroll Deduction form (available on Communications Central under Forms-Foundation-Employee Payroll Deduction Form). A gift of as little as $1 per pay period adds up to $24 annually.