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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

Nuclear Medicine Technology (NM)

Students must submit a Nuclear Medicine Technology

application to the Department of Allied Health

and Wellness by the posted deadline April 1 for fall

admission. In addition, the following must be met:

1. Successful completion of the 8 core courses within

2 attempts of each course (EN 101, BI 103, BI 104,

CH 101, PY 101, MA 130, MA 206 and MDA 108) by

August prior to the program start date.*

2. Attainment of at least a “C” in all prerequisite

coursework within 2 attempts of each course.

** A minimum overall GPA of 2.00 is required

for previous core prerequisite college work.

Competitive GPAs for accepted applicants

are typically much higher than the minimum


3. Have all official transcripts from colleges/

universities sent to the Welcome Center by April 1.

4. All applicants must document at least four

hours of shadowing/observation in nuclear

medicine technology, prior to or concurrent with

application. ***Additional shadowing (40-50 hrs.)

is recommended for applicants who have no

prior health care work experience. This experience

can be arranged by contacting a convenient

institutional imaging or therapy department.

Documentation must be submitted by April 1

application deadline. Please have the department

complete the verification form indicating that the

shadowing/observation was conducted.

5.Submission of a 1-2 page paper discussing your

shadowing experience. All papers must be typed;

double spaced, printed and stapled, and must

include your name and FCC Student ID number.

Papers not meeting these criteria will not be accepted

or reviewed.

Papers will be due by the April 1

application deadline.

The selection process is based on a point system. The

points will only be assigned to those students that

have applied to Frederick Community College and

also completed and submitted the Application for

Nuclear Medicine Technology.

Admission decisions are based on the successful

completion of course requirements; college grade

point averages from the eight core prerequisites;

and assessment of motivation, knowledge of the

discipline(s) and personal qualities appropriate for

the profession and for successful completion of the


Students with the highest point total will be accepted

conditionally into the Nuclear Medicine Program

and will be informed of their status on or before

May 1. Students with equal point values will be

ordered by GPA from highest to lowest. Students

not gaining admittance to the Nuclear Medicine

Program and wishing to be considered for the next

year must reapply. Students not gaining admittance

to the Nuclear Medicine Program and wishing to be

considered for the next year must reapply.

* Acceptance is contingent upon earning grades of “C”

or better in any prerequisites being completed in the

spring and summer semesters.

** 2 attempts include transfer credits.

*** This is only a recommendation. It is not mandated

for program admission.

Criteria for Selection into the Nuclear

Medicine Technology Program




EN 101


BI 103


BI 104


CH 101


PY 101


MA 130


MA 206


MDA 108


Frederick, Carroll or Howard

County Resident


GPA: 4.000-3.500








Shadowing Paper




Respiratory Care (RC)

To be included in the pool of applicants for admission

to the clinical portion of the respiratory care program,

a student must request consideration through the

Allied Health and Wellness Department by June 1. In

addition, you must:

i. Complete all required developmental coursework

prior to applying to the program.

ii. Complete Anatomy & Physiology I (BI 103) with a

“C” or better prior to applying to the program.

iii. Be in good academic standing (no academic alert,

no academic probation).

iv. Have a GPA of at least 2.000.

v. Have all official transcripts from other colleges/

universities sent to the Welcome Center by June 1.

vi. Apply for admission to Frederick Community


vii. Meet with the allied health advisor.

Points will be assigned only to those students who

have returned the“Student Application for the

Respiratory Care Clinical Class”and met the above

criteria. The point value for non-clinical courses

completed and residency are shown on the“Criteria

for Admission to the Respiratory Care Program”sheet.

The students with the highest point total will be

accepted conditionally into the clinical portion of

the program and will be informed of their status by

June 30.

Criteria for Admission to the Respiratory Care




EN 101


PS 101


BI 103

2 points if passed first time course is

taken, 1 point if passed second time

course is taken, 0 points if passed on

three or more attempts. Only“C”grade

or better is accepted as passing for

Respiratory Care program.


BI 104

2 points if passed first time course is

taken, 1 point if passed second time

course is taken, 0 points if passed on

three or more attempts. Only“C”grade

or better is accepted as passing for

Respiratory Care program.




Mathematics Elective


CMSP 105


PE/Health Elective


GPA: 3.000 or higher


Job Shadow (observe a therapist)


*Residency – Frederick County, Carroll

County or Howard County




* Residents of Carroll and Howard Counties are awarded

the same point for residency as Frederick County

residents, as part of the Mid-Maryland Allied Healthcare

Consortium Agreement.

Surgical Technology (ST)

Enrollment in the clinical portion of the program is

limited to 20 students in each of two starting dates,

fall and spring. To be considered, you must:

i. Complete and submit a FCC application for

admission and submit proof of residency if


ii. Complete an online application for the ST program.

All applications will be reviewed and seats will

be offered according to the point scale and

application date. First consideration is given to

those students who submit an application by the

first consideration date for the fall or spring classes.

Refer to the online application.

iii. Minimum skill levels in the areas of reading,

writing, math, and allied health science are

necessary for an application to be considered.

Students may meet these requirements by taking

the placement assessments and meeting the

minimum skill levels or by taking appropriate

developmental course work in these subjects.

iv. Students must achieve a “C” or higher in any

class they plan to apply toward ST program
