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Quick Facts
Building Type/Use
Building Trades and Culinary Arts Programs
Building Area
Net Assignable SF – 39,376
Gross SF – 55,342
Number of Stories – 1
1969 – original building constructed
2009 – leased space by FCC
2010 – property purchased by FCC
2008 – CETEC and SCIF grant upgrades
2010 – Culinary Arts renovations
2012 – Interior fit out and renovation
2017 – Renovation planned completion
(in bid award phase)
Construction Type
Concrete slab on grade with structural steel
frame with open web roof joists and metal
decking; roof areas are flat built-up modified
bitumen membrane
Building exterior walls are masonry walls with
brick veneer with metal panel soffits
Mechanical Systems
Stand alone system consisting of gas fired
roof mounted air handling units; kitchen area
contains make up air units associated with the
kitchen hood, exhaust fans, and gas fired air
handling units
Life Safety/Security
Fire sprinklers, hydrants, fire alarm system,
extinguishers, emergency disconnects and
shutoffs for lab equipment, security system,
generator for emergency power
Building Summary
The Monroe Center houses offices, classrooms, and labs for
Construction and Building Trades, Health Care and Wellness,
and the Hospitality, Culinary, & Tourism Institute, including a
commercial kitchen and demonstration restaurant.
The building exterior is in fair condition and is owned by the
business condo association. The interior is beyond its useful
life and no longer meets programmatic changes. A full interior
renovation with some exterior updates began in fall of 2016.
The Monroe Center - MC