• 301.846.2400 207
2020 - 2021 FCC Academic Catalog
(9) Student Responsibilities. A student is held:
(a) Accountable for the loss of credits that:
(i) Result from changes in the
student’s selection of the
major program of study;
(ii) Were earned for remedial
course work; or
(iii) Exceed the total course credits
accepted in transfer as allowed
by this chapter; and
(b) Responsible for meeting all
requirements of the academic
program of the receiving institution.
.05 Academic Success and General
Well-Being of Transfer Students.
A. Sending Institutions.
(1) Community colleges shall encourage their
students to complete the associate degree
in a recommended transfer program
that includes both general education
courses and courses applicable toward
the program at the receiving institution.
(2) Community college students are
encouraged to choose as early as
possible the institution and program
into which they expect to transfer.
(3) The sending institution shall:
(a) Provide to community college
students information about the
specific transferability of courses
and programs to 4-year colleges;
(b) Transmit information about transfer
students who are capable of honors
work or independent study to
the receiving institution; and
(c) Promptly supply the receiving
institution with all the required
documents if the student has met
all financial and other obligations of
the sending institution for transfer.
B. Receiving Institutions.
(1) Admission requirements and curriculum
prerequisites shall be stated explicitly
in institutional publications.
(2) A receiving institution shall admit transfer
students from newly established public
colleges that are functioning with the
approval of the Maryland Higher Education
Commission on the same basis as applicants
from regionally accredited colleges.
(3) A receiving institution shall evaluate
the transcript or transcripts of a degree-
seeking transfer student as expeditiously
as possible, and notify the student of the
results within 20 working days of the receipt
of all official transcripts. The receiving
institution shall inform a student of the
courses that are acceptable for transfer
credit and the courses that are applicable to
the student’s intended program of study.
(4) A transfer student shall be provided the same
opportunity as a native student to pursue
the program and degree requirements
that were in effect at the time that the
student enrolled at the sending institution
provided they have been continuously
enrolled and otherwise meet the same
requirements of the native student.
.06 Programmatic Currency.
A. Maryland public institutions shall collaborate
to develop and provide to students
current and accurate information on
transferable programs and courses.
B. Upon approval of new baccalaureate programs,
recommended transfer programs shall be
developed with each community college.
C. When considering curricular changes, institutions
shall notify each other of the proposed
changes that might affect transfer students.
An appropriate mechanism shall be created
to ensure that both 2-year and 4-year public
colleges provide input or comments to the
institution proposing the change. Sufficient
lead time shall be provided to effect the change
with minimum disruption. Transfer students are
not required to repeat equivalent course work
successfully completed at a community college.
.07 Transfer Mediation Committee.
A. Sending and receiving institutions that disagree
on the transferability of general education
courses as defined by this chapter shall submit
their disagreements to the Secretary, who shall
appoint a Transfer Mediation Committee to
adjudicate the disagreement. Members appointed
to the Transfer Mediation Committee shall be
representative of the public 4-year colleges
and universities and the community colleges.
B. The Transfer Mediation Committee shall
address general education issues at the course
or curricular level, not individual student
cases. As appropriate, the Committee shall
consult with faculty on curricular issues.
C. The findings of the Transfer Mediation Committee
are considered binding on both parties.
.08 Appeal Process.
A. Notice of Denial of Transfer Credit
by a Receiving Institution.
(1) Except as provided in §A(2) of this regulation,
a receiving institution shall inform a transfer
student in writing of the denial of transfer
credit not later than mid-semester of the
transfer student's first semester, if all official
transcripts have been received at least 15
working days before mid-semester.
(2) If transcripts are submitted after 15 working
days before mid-semester of a student's
first semester, the receiving institution shall
inform the student of credit denied within
20 working days of receipt of the official
(3) A receiving institution shall include in the
notice of denial of transfer credit:
(a) A statement of the student's right to
appeal; and
(b) A notification that the appeal process is
available in the institution's catalog.
(4) The statement of the student's right to appeal
the denial shall include notice of the time
limitations in §B of this regulation.
B. A student believing that the receiving institution
has denied the student transfer credits in
violation of this chapter may initiate an appeal
by contacting the receiving institution's transfer
coordinator or other responsible official of the
receiving institution within 20 working days
of receiving notice of the denial of credit.
C. Response by Receiving Institution.
(1) A receiving institution shall:
(a) Establish expeditious and simplified
procedures governing the appeal of a
denial of transfer of credit; and
(b) Respond to a student's appeal within 10
working days.
(2) An institution may either grant or deny an
appeal. The institution's reasons for denying
the appeal shall be consistent with this
chapter and conveyed to the student in
written form.
(3) Unless a student appeals to the sending
institution, the written decision in §C(2)
of this regulation constitutes the receiving
institution's final decision and is not subject
to appeal.
D. Appeal to Sending Institution.
(1) If a student has been denied transfer credit
after an appeal to the receiving institution, the
student may request the sending institution
to intercede on the student's behalf by
contacting the transfer coordinator of the
sending institution.
(2) A student shall make an appeal to the
sending institution within 10 working days of
having received the decision of the receiving