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2018/2019 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

EM 220-Emergency Management

Planning (3)

Prerequisite or Corequisite: EM 130

Provides a thorough understanding of risk

management, operational planning, and strategic

planning as applied in current emergency

management policy. Teaches evaluation and

use of current policy tools to determine risk

vulnerabilities and capabilities, critically evaluate

an emergency operations plan, identify the

components of an emergency operations plan,

and assess the purpose of strategic planning.

EM 221-Public Safety

Leadership and Ethics (3)

Prerequisite or Corequisite: EM 201 or FSA 201

Provides the student with understanding of

leadership theories, skills, and techniques for

application in emergency management. Introduces

the concept of effective leadership in emergency

management by identifying leadership models

utilized in managing across the life cycle of

the incidents. Challenges students to analyze

and evaluate current emergency management

leaders and their leadership styles for their

theoretical value and practical effectiveness.

EM 225-Emergency Management

Mitigation (0)

Prerequisites: FEM 157, FEM 186, FEM 173

Explores the reasons and need for planning for

a sustainable, disaster-resistant community.

Introduces participants to mitigation basics for

both natural and human-driven disasters. Describes

the Continuity Management Program, Process

and Cycle, the fundamentals of Risk Management,

and the importance of Devolution Planning.

EM 235-Recovery and Assessment (0)

Prerequisites: FEM 103, FEM 179, FEM 201

Provides students with the knowledge to plan an

effective damage assessment program, conduct

rapid damage assessments, and begin the process

of recovery and mitigation. Introduces students

to the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation

Program (HSEEP), exercise design, and exercises as

a concept. Explores the National Disaster Recovery

Framework (NDRF) key concepts, core principles,

and roles and responsibilities of NDRF leadership.

EM 297-Emergency Management

Capstone (3)

Prerequisite: EN 101; Prerequisite or

Corequisite: EM 220 and EM 221

As the culminating experience for the Emergency

Management Track II major, this course enables

students to exercise critical thinking and evaluation

skills, while applying comprehension of the

emergency management discipline. Students will

write a research paper, under the supervision of a

faculty mentor, which demonstrates the ability to

analyze and synthesize the theories and practices to

reduce vulnerability to hazards and mitigate disasters.

EN/CMM: English &


EN/CMM 241-Journalism

Publication Practicum (3)

• Gen Ed Humanities; Gen Ed Communications; Cultural


Prerequisite: EN 101

Provides instruction and laboratory experience in

writing, editing, designing, and publishing print

and digital content for The Commuter. Students

receive practical experience in journalistic and

social media content, curation, editing, design,

photography, and digital production using industry

standard software. Students will create and produce

three journalistic publications per semester.

EN: English

EN 70-Introduction to College

Reading andWriting (0) [6]

Prerequisite: Appropriate scores on the

reading and writing placement tests

Provides extended practice with academic writing

based on college-level texts. The course stresses the

interaction between critical reading, writing, and

thinking. The course offers structured practice and

support with writing academic essays, improving

reading comprehension, and increasing critical

reading skills to succeed in future college academic

tasks. Students are guided to become flexible,

confident, and independent readers and writers.

EN 75-Reading andWriting in the

Academic Disciplines (0) [4]

Prerequisite: EN 51 or appropriate scores on

the reading and writing placement tests

Promotes the integrated approach to the

development of active reading and writing strategies

for the tasks and texts students encounter in

college. The course stresses the interaction among

the reader, the text, and the context and one’s

ability to critically respond to a variety of writing

situations. The course addresses whole discourse

and sentence-level matters. Students are guided

to become independent readers and writers.

EN 101-English Composition (3)

• Gen Ed English

Prerequisites: (EN 70 or EN 75) OR [(EN 50A or EN

61) and EN 52] OR (ESL 95 and ESL 99) OR (ESL

72 and ESL 73) OR (satisfactory performance

on the writing assessment and satisfactory

performance on the reading assessment)

Develops students’ability to use writing,

reading, research, and thinking processes to

create documented essays that demonstrate

the conventions of academic writing.

EN 102-English Composition

and Literature (3)

• Gen Ed Humanities; Gen Ed Communications

Prerequisite: EN 101

Reinforces, through an examination of literature, the

reading, writing, critical thinking, and information

literacy skills introduced in English Composition.

By exploring literary texts from fiction, poetry, and

drama, students learn to clarify their own values and

identities as well as develop a better understanding

of ideas and cultures beyond their own experience.

EN 201-British Literature Anglo-Saxon

Period to the Eighteenth Century (3)

• Gen Ed Humanities

Prerequisite: EN 101

Surveys the literature of Great Britain from the

Anglo-Saxon period to the eighteenth century.

The growth of a nation, social classes, the rise and

questioning of the monarchy, the role of women,

and early colonialism are explored through poetry,

prose fiction and nonfiction, and drama.

EN 202-British Literature Eighteenth

Century through the Present (3)

• Gen Ed Humanities

Prerequisite: EN 101

Surveys the literature of Great Britain from the

eighteenth century through the present. The rise

of industry, changing views of gender and citizen,

the rise and fall of an empire, world wars, and

artistic experimentation are explored through the

literary genres of poetry, fiction, and drama.

EN 203-American Literature Pre-

Colonial through Civil War Periods (3)

• Gen Ed Humanities

Prerequisite: EN 101

Surveys American literature from its pre-

contact beginnings. Culture clash, settlement,

rebellion, and the rise of a democratic republic

are explored through histories, diaries, sermons,

pamphlets, poetry, essays, and fiction.

EN 204-American Literature Civil War

Period through the Present (3)

• Gen Ed Humanities

Prerequisite: EN 101

Surveys American literature from the late 19th

Century to today. The rise of industrialism, world

wars, the fragmenting of society, and artistic

experimentation are explored through the

literary genres of poetry, fiction, and drama.

EN 205-World Literature through 1650 C.E. (3)

• Gen Ed Humanities; Cultural Competence

Prerequisite: EN 101

Surveys selected works of western and non-

western literature from their beginnings through

1650 C.E. Cultural and historical contexts are

explored through a wide range of literary forms.