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2015/2016 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

NU 212–Medical-Surgical Nursing II (4)

Prerequisites: NU 210, NU 211; passing score on the

Math for Medication Safety test

Continues study of the adult client with increasingly

complex acute and chronic alterations in health.

Emphasis is on assimilation of knowledge, skills, and

professional behaviors needed for the delivery of

comprehensive care.

NU 213–Medical-Surgical Nursing III (4)

Prerequisites: NU 212, NU 214; passing score on the

Math for Medication Safety test

Continues study of the adult client with acute,

complex, and critical alterations in health. Emphasis is

on the adaptation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes

needed for the delivery of comprehensive care.

NU 214–Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (3)

Prerequisites: NU 210, NU 211; passing score on the

Math for Medication Safety test

Examines the impact of mental illness on the

individual, family, and community. Explores treatment

options and issues; and reviews the evidence-based

principles and practice of psychiatric-mental health

nursing. Emphasis is placed on the adaptation of

knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to caring for

clients with alterations in mental health.

NU 215–Nursing Care of Children (3)

Prerequisites: NU 212, NU 214; passing score on the

Math for Medication Safety test

Introduces the study of the pediatric client

experiencing acute alterations in health. Client care in

acute and community care settings will be explored

with a focus on wellness, health promotion, and

safety. Emphasis is on assimilation of knowledge,

skills, and professional behaviors needed for the

delivery of family-centered, safe, and comprehensive


NU 216–Preparation for Practice (2)

Prerequisites: NU 212, NU 214; passing score on the

Math for Medication Safety test

Facilitates the student’s adaptation into professional

nursing practice. Explores current trends in nursing

and concepts related to the nurse as a professional,

a member of the health care team, and manager of

client care.

NU 218–Maternal, Child, and Family Nursing


Prerequisites: NU 211; passing score on the Math for

Medication Safety test

Introduces maternal, child, and family nursing.

Focuses on the reproductive phase of family life, the

specific health needs of women from adolescence

to menopause, the healthy newborn, and pediatric

clients with acute alterations in health. Emphasis is

on assimilation of knowledge, skills, and professional

behaviors needed for delivery of family-centered,

comprehensive care.

LA: Paralegal

LA 100–Introduction to Law (3)

Prerequisites: [(EN 50A or EN 61) and EN 52] OR (ESL 95

and ESL 99) OR (ESL 72 and ESL 73)

Presents an overview of the legal profession. Covers

responsibilities of the legal assistant professional.

Includes structure of the American Legal System, law

office management, standard operating procedures,

office automation and computerization, interviewing

and investigation, and basic legal theories, concepts,

research and writing.

LA 103–Ethics for the Legal Professional (3)

Prerequisite or Corequisite: LA 100

Concentrates on the ethical responsibilities that have

been established by statutes, courts decisions, court

rules, and professional associations affecting legal

assistants/paralegals and lawyers. Includes conflict

of interest, confidentiality, competence, solicitation,

fees and billing, obligations of attorneys to clients,

and protection of client funds. Covers the nature of

supervision in order to avoid unauthorized practice

of law.

LA 104–Contracts (3)

Prerequisites: [(EN 50A or EN 61) and EN 52] OR (ESL 95

and ESL 99) OR (ESL 72 and ESL 73)

Covers the fundamental principles of contract

law; the manner in which contracts are formed;

the elements of a valid contract; the rights and

obligations of various parties to a contract, as well

as the rights of third parties; and available remedies

when a contract is breached.

LA 105–Torts (3)

Prerequisites: [(EN 50A or EN 61) and EN 52] OR (ESL 95

and ESL 99) OR (ESL 72 and ESL 73)

Covers the fundamental principles of tort law.

Includes intentional torts, negligence, and strict

liability. Examines the various types of damages that

can be awarded and what needs to be established to

collect such damages.

LA 106–Law & Technology (3)

Prerequisites: LA 100, CIS 103A

Prepares students for the increasing levels of

computer literacy demanded by the legal profession.

Covers the basic features of at least one commonly

used word processing program, database program,

spreadsheet program and legal specific programs

for calendaring, timekeeping and billing. Offers

basic features of computer-assisted legal research

and other electronic resources. Incorporates current

technological trends used by the legal profession.

LA 110–Legal Research (3)

Corequisite: LA 100

Offers working knowledge of techniques of legal

research. Includes assigned problems in legal research

and basic knowledge of Shepard’s Citation, West’s

Digest System and Key Numbers; American Law

Reports; legal periodicals; federal and state statutes;

legislative history resource materials; and other

legal research tools. Stresses proper citation forms,

along with briefing of cases and memo preparation.

Includes the use of computers in legal research.

LA 120–Legal Writing & Documents (3)

Prerequisites: EN 101, LA 110

Offers working knowledge of techniques of legal

writing in the preparation of legal documents.

Specifically for the legal assistant, course covers

various types of legal documents including leases,

contracts, wills, memoranda, pleadings, trial briefs,

legal correspondence and legislative drafting.

LA 210–Estates and Probate (3)

Prerequisite: LA 100

Covers basic legal concepts and fundamental

principles of law as applied to the more common

forms of wills, trusts, and intestacy, as well as

organization and jurisdiction of the probate court.

LA 220–Evidence & Procedure (Civil) (3)

Prerequisite: LA 100

Covers rules governing the admission of evidence

at a trial or administrative proceeding. Considers

both federal and Maryland law. Explores procedural

aspects of civil actions.

LA 230–Law of the Real Estate Business (3)

Prerequisite: LA 100

Reviews the essentials of real estate law and the

processes and procedures for which the paralegal is

responsible, including discussion of landlord/tenant

matters; easements and covenants; analysis of real

estate contracts; types and sources of mortgage

financing; ordering title work; preparation of closing

documents; settlement statements; closing; and

coordination of closing.

LA 240–Family Law (3)

Prerequisite: LA 100

Develops skills necessary to become an effective legal

assistant/paralegal working with family law matters.

Explores the fundamentals of family law including:

the regulation of marriage; law of divorce; annulment

and legal separation; child custody and support;

children of unmarried parents; child abuse and

neglect; domestic violence; and adoption.