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• 301.846.2400 203

2016/2017 fcc catalog

C. When considering curricular changes, institutions

shall notify each other of the proposed changes

that might affect transfer students. An appropriate

mechanism shall be created to ensure that both

2-year and 4-year public colleges provide input

or comments to the institution proposing the

change. Sufficient lead time shall be provided

to effect the change with minimum disruption.

Transfer students are not required to repeat

equivalent course work successfully completed at

a community college.

.08 Transfer Mediation Committee.

A. There is a Transfer Mediation Committee,

appointed by the Secretary, which is representative

of the public 4-year colleges and universities and

the community colleges.

B. Sending and receiving institutions that disagree

on the transferability of general education

courses as defined by this chapter shall submit

their disagreements to the Transfer Mediation

Committee. The Transfer Mediation Committee

shall address general questions regarding existing

or past courses only, not individual student

cases, and shall also address questions raised by

institutions about the acceptability of new general

education courses. As appropriate, the Committee

shall consult with faculty on curricular issues.

C. The findings of the Transfer Mediation Committee

are considered binding on both parties.

.09 Appeal Process.

A. Notice of Denial of Transfer Credit by a Receiving


(1) Except as provided in §A(2) of this regulation,

a receiving institution shall inform a transfer

student in writing of the denial of transfer credit

not later than mid-semester of the transfer

student’s first semester, if all official transcripts

have been received at least 15 working days

before mid-semester.

(2) If transcripts are submitted after 15 working

days before mid-semester of a student’s first

semester, the receiving institution shall inform

the student of credit denied within 20 working

days of receipt of the official transcript.

(3) A receiving institution shall include in the

notice of denial of transfer credit:

(a) A statement of the student’s right to

appeal; and

(b) A notification that the appeal process is

available in the institution’s catalog.

(4) The statement of the student’s right to appeal

the denial shall include notice of the time

limitations in §B of this regulation.

B. A student believing that the receiving institution

has denied the student transfer credits in

violation of this chapter may initiate an appeal

by contacting the receiving institution’s transfer

coordinator or other responsible official of the

receiving institution within 20 working days of

receiving notice of the denial of credit.

C. Response by Receiving Institution.

(1) A receiving institution shall:

(a) Establish expeditious and simplified

procedures governing the appeal of a

denial of transfer of credit; and

(b) Respond to a student’s appeal within 10

working days.

(2) An institution may either grant or deny an

appeal. The institution’s reasons for denying the

appeal shall be consistent with this chapter and

conveyed to the student in written form.

(3) Unless a student appeals to the sending

institution, the written decision in §C(2) of this

regulation constitutes the receiving institution’s

final decision and is not subject to appeal.

D. Appeal to Sending Institution.

(1) If a student has been denied transfer

credit after an appeal to the receiving

institution, the student may request the

sending institution to intercede on the

student’s behalf by contacting the transfer

coordinator of the sending institution.

(2) A student shall make an appeal to the

sending institution within 10 working days

of having received the decision of the

receiving institution.

E. Consultation Between Sending and Receiving


(1) Representatives of the two institutions

shall have 15 working days to resolve the

issues involved in an appeal.

(2) As a result of a consultation in this section,

the receiving institution may affirm,

modify, or reverse its earlier decision.

(3) The receiving institution shall inform a

student in writing of the result of the


(4) The decision arising out of a consultation

constitutes the final decision of the

receiving institution and is not subject to


.10 Periodic Review.

A. Report by Receiving Institution.

(1) A receiving institution shall report annually the

progress of students who transfer from 2-year

and 4-year institutions within the State to each

community college and to the Secretary of the

Maryland Higher Education Commission.

(2) An annual report shall include ongoing reports

on the subsequent academic success of

enrolled transfer students, including graduation

rates, by major subject areas.

(3) A receiving institution shall include in the

reports comparable information on the

progress of native students.

B. Transfer Coordinator. A public institution of higher

education shall designate a transfer coordinator,

who serves as a resource person to transfer

students at either the sending or receiving

campus. The transfer coordinator is responsible

for overseeing the application of the policies

and procedures outlined in this chapter and

interpreting transfer policies to the individual

student and to the institution.

C. The Maryland Higher Education Commission

shall establish a permanent Student Transfer

Advisory Committee that meets regularly to

review transfer issues and recommend policy

changes as needed. The Student Transfer Advisory

Committee shall address issues of interpretation

and implementation of this chapter.

Effective date: December 4, 1995 (22:24 Md. R. 1901)

Regulation .02B amended effective July 1, 1996

(23:13 Md. R. 946)

Regulation .02-1 adopted effective April 6, 1998

(25:7 Md. R. 528)

Regulation .03 amended effective July 1, 1996

(23:13 Md. R. 946)

Regulation .05A amended effective July 1, 1996

(23:13 Md. R. 946)