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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

F. When a non-uniformed or off-duty armed law

enforcement officer is on campus and staff is

uncertain of his or her identity or status, Security

must be notified and a tactful and coordinated

inquiry will be completed by Security. Security

staff will verify the identity of the subject and

question him/her regarding his/her current

employment status through an identification

check to ensure that the legal requirements

are met to allow his/her armed status. Any

uncertainty by Security staff will result in

contacting the Frederick Police Department at


G. Personal self-defense items containing mace

or pepper spray shall not be deemed to be

a weapon for the purposes of this Policy and

Procedures when its use and possession are

reasonable, appropriate, and clearly for the

purpose of self-defense.

IV. Procedures

Any suspected violations of this Policy and

Procedures must be immediately reported to

College Security at (301) 846-2453 or (301) 606-

7716, extension 4444 from any campus phone, or

by activating any of the College emergency phone

poles. If the suspected violation is an emergency or

constitutes criminal behavior, it should be reported

immediately to the Frederick Police Department

by dialing 9-1-1 and reported to College Security.

College personnel will work with local law

enforcement to immediately ensure the safety and

security of the College community.

A. Violations by an Employee – Upon a report

of an alleged violation by an employee of this

Policy and Procedures, the Director of Public

Safety and Security will initiate an investigation,

in consultation with the employee’s supervisor,

Senior Leader, and the Associate Vice President

for Human Resources. Any employee involved

in any investigation must fully cooperate.

Employees found in violation of this Policy and

Procedures are subject to disciplinary action per

the Employee Misconduct Policy and Procedures.

B. Violations by a Student – Upon a report of

an alleged violation by a student of this Policy

and Procedures, the Director of Public Safety

and Security or his/her designee will initiate an

investigation with the Associate Vice President/

Dean of Students in accordance with the Code

of Student Conduct Policy and Procedures.

Students found in violation of this Policy and

Procedures are subject to an interim suspension

and other disciplinary action which may include

a wide variety of sanctions up to and including

expulsion from the College and/or referral to the

Frederick Police Department.

C. Violations by Visitors and Guests – Upon a

report of an alleged violation by a visitor or guest

of this Policy and Procedures, the Director of

Public Safety and Security or his/her designee

may remove the individual from the College

and/or permanently bar him/her from College

facilities and/or refer the incident to the Frederick

Police Department in accordance with the Code

of Conduct for Visitors and Guests Policy and


D. Exceptions for the possession, storage,

or display of weapons for instructional,

demonstrative or theatrical purposes may

be granted in limited circumstances. Written

requests for such exceptions must be made at

least five workdays (Monday through Friday,

not including weekends, holidays, or days the

College is closed) in advance to the appropriate

Senior Leader. The Senior Leader will then

forward the consent form to the Director of

Public Safety and Security for final review; a

copy of the approved/disapproved form will

be returned to the requestor. If approved,

immediately prior to the demonstration,

the unloaded weapon will be inspected by

appropriately trained security staff.

Writing Requirements

FCC recognizes that the ability to write clearly and

concisely is essential to the personal and professional

success of all educated people. Therefore, the college

is committed to providing instructional opportunities

and services necessary to help achieve competence

in writing.

Students can expect to write in any course offered

by the college. Grades on papers in college courses

will be influenced by the student’s ability to meet

minimal writing standards.

The minimal standards for written work submitted in

all courses are as follows:

1. All written work must demonstrate skills in

presenting material in a clear and logical manner.

2. All written work must demonstrate appropriate,

college-level word choice.

3. All written work must demonstrate competence in

grammar, punctuation and spelling.