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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

3. Determining the Appropriate Level of Force

FCC security officers when assessing whether

force should be employed and the appropriate

level of force to employ shall consider all relevant

information, including, but not limited to, the


a. The nature, extent, and imminence of the

threat or perceived threat to the security

officer and/or a third parties presented by the


b. The severity of the crime or incident;

c. The threat level posed or perceived to be

posed by the individuals(s);

d. The availability of, and benefit of, other

options or tactics which do not involve the use

of physical force;

e. The skill level of the particular security officer

in various tactics and techniques;

f. The threat posed to innocent third party(s).

4. Inappropriate Uses of Force

FCC security officers using physical force in

the performance of their duties must do so

in accordance with the requirements of this

procedure. FCC security officers are only

authorized to use physical force in support of

the lawful objectives described above in subpart

2. In accordance with the provisions above, FCC

security officers shall use the minimum amount

and level of force necessary to accomplish their

lawful objectives. Each use of physical force

by a FCC security officer shall be evaluated by

FCC’s administration to determine whether

appropriate force was employed in accordance

with the requirements of this procedure. Should

it be determined that an FCC security officer

employed excessive force, the security officer

will be subject to disciplinary action up to and

including termination of employment.

5. Prohibited Uses of Force

FCC security officers, notwithstanding any

provision of this procedure to the contrary,

shall not knowingly or intentionally use deadly

force in the performance of their duties. Absent

the reasonable apprehension of an imminent

threat of death or serious physical injury, FCC

security officers, when employing physical

force in accordance with this policy, shall not

intentionally give direct blows to the head or

other vital areas of the body. FCC security officers

shall not employ chokeholds that restrict an

individual’s ability to breath or the flow of blood

to the brain.

6. Wearing, Carrying, Possession, or Use of Weapons

Security personnel who have received College

approved training and endorsement by the

College to employ College supplies and

authorized weapons. These weapons or tools

are explicitly limited to: handcuffs, baton, and

Oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray.

D. Report Requirements

All incidents involving the employment of

physical force by a FCC security officer shall be

thoroughly examined to determine whether the

use of force was authorized and justified under

the circumstances.

See Administrative Report Guidelines in this


E. Responsibilities

1. Security Officer Responsibilities

a. FCC security officers will immediately report

and provide written documentation of any

incident involving the use of physical force to

supervisors and Chief of Security. A Use of Force

Report documenting any incident involving the

use of force shall be completed and submitted

prior to the conclusion of a security officer’s shift

in which the use of force occurred. A Use of

Force Report shall be separate from the standard

incident report produced in reference to an

incident. A Use of Force Report shall specifically

address the circumstances which led the security

officer employing physical force to conclude an

imminent threat existed which required the use

of physical force, a description of the physical

force employed, and a description of any injuries

sustained by the security officer, third parties, or

the individual(s) against whom physical force

was employed.

b. If the use of physical force results in injury, the

security officer shall, if appropriate:

(1) Render first aid to the injured;

(2) Alert dispatch to the situation and request

medical assistance and additional personnel as


(3) Request that local law enforcement authorities

respond to the scene of the incident;

(4) Secure and protect the scene of the incident,

including but not limited to, preserving all

physical evidence;

(5) Identify witnesses and obtain written

statements; and

(6) Remain on the scene until supervisory

personnel arrive, unless there are hazardous

conditions, which require evacuation of the

immediate area.

2. Supervisor Responsibilities

a. An FCC Campus Security Supervisor shall

immediately respond to the scene of any

incident where a FCC security officer has

employed the use of physical force. The

responding FCC Campus Security Supervisor


(1) Ensure the welfare of the security officers

involved in the incident;

(2) Ensure that anyone injured in the incident

receives immediate medical treatment;

(3) Interview all parties involved in the incident;

(4) Interview all witnesses;

(5) Coordinate with any local law enforcement

officers responding to the scene;

(6) Complete an initial review of the incident

to determine whether physical force was

employed in compliance with this procedure

and make recommendations to the Chief of


(7) Notify the Executive Director of Risk

Management and Public Services. In the

absence of the Executive Director of Risk

Management and Public Services, the

responding supervisor shall notify the

Assistant Director of Risk Management and

Public Services and the Vice President for


(8) An on-duty supervisor must respond to the

scene and take digital photographs of all parties

involved in the Use of Force incident at the time

the incident occurs.

F. Guidelines for Administrative Reports

1. Use of Force Reports shall include, but not be

limited to, the following principles:

a. Report the facts accurately; guesses, theories,

and editorial comments have no place in Use of

Force Reports.

b. Use of Force Reports shall not be written

solely to supply justification for the physical

force employed in an incident. A fair, accurate,

impartial reporting of the facts will determine

if the force employed in a given incident was

justified and complied with the requirements

of this procedure. A statement of the security

officer’s state of mind at the time physical force

was employed is often useful and, to the extend

known, should be included in a Use of Force


c. Note any property which was damaged as a

result of the incident.

d. Note any evidence recovered at the scene of


e. Note any witnesses interviewed.

f. Note any physical injuries sustained as a result

of the incident and any resulting medical


g. If a drawing or diagram of the scene would be

helpful in understanding what occurred, one

should be attached to the Use of Force Report.

h. Attach any photographs relevant to the

incident, including but not limited to,

photographs of injured individuals, property

damage, and the scene of the incident.

i. Note any involvement of local law enforcement

authorities either during the incident or after

the fact.

j. Explain why alternatives to the use of physical

force were not used to resolve the incident.

k. Explain why the level of physical force

employed during the incident was appropriate.