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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

FCC reserves the first right of refusal for the

provision of food services. If the College determines

that it is unable to provide the needed service,

food may only be provided by licensed commercial


D. Use of Space by the Public/Community

The Facilities Planning Office is responsible

for processing and approving all public and

community use facility requests, except the JBK

Theater. A request must be submitted to Facility@

using the Request for Use of Facilities

form available on the College website at least four

weeks in advance for best consideration. Within

three workdays of receipt of a complete request,

the Facilities Planning Office will respond to the


The Arts Center Director is responsible for

scheduling all events in the JBK Theater in

cooperation and collaboration with the Facilities

Planning Office. To request the use of space for

a public or community event in the JBK Theater,

contact the Arts Center Director at WPoindexter@

1. Terms and Conditions:

a. Approval of submitted applications to

use College facilities does not constitute

College endorsement of views expressed

or held by the using groups or individuals,

and no advertisement shall indicate College

support of the scheduled function.

b. If the College or the applicant cancels a

reservation for the use of College facilities

with at least three (3) workdays’ advance

notice, a full refund will be provided to

the applicant. If the applicant cancels

a reservation for the use of College

facilities with less than three (3) workdays’

notice, a 50% refund will be provided

to the applicant. If the College cancels

a reservation with less than three (3)

workdays’ notice, a full refund will be

provided to the applicant. The College is

not responsible for any additional losses,

expenses, or damages the applicant may

sustain as a result of the cancellation.

c. Organizations must provide, at their cost,

adequate supervision of activities to ensure

that good order is maintained. Frederick

County fire and safety regulations shall

be strictly observed during all events on


d. Requesting organizations assume all

financial responsibility for damages caused

to individuals and to College property

during their use. Prior to final application

approval, all external groups and individuals

using the College facilities must present

to the College a certificate of liability

insurance naming Frederick Community

College as an additional insured in an

amount deemed appropriate in the sole

discretion of FCC.

e. The College assumes no liability for injuries

or losses, which result from the actions of

such groups or individuals.

f. The College reserves the right to revoke

an applicant’s application to use its

facilities if the College determines that any

information contained in the application is

false, misleading, or a misrepresentation of

the sponsor or intended activity.

g. The use of College facilities will be

automatically cancelled when the College

must close due to inclement weather

or other emergency conditions and the

applicant will be provided a full refund.

h. The Facilities Planning Office reserves the

right to reschedule, relocate, or cancel

the reservation of a public or community

group due to extraordinary circumstances.

Affected groups will be notified in advance

when possible, in order for alternative

arrangements to be made.

i. Public/community groups shall release the

College from any and all expense that may

be incurred from necessary rescheduling,

relocation, or cancellation of approved


j. Public/community groups may not use the

College facilities for parties, celebrations, or

activities which are essentially personal or

private in nature.

k. Public/community groups may not

publicize the event for which College

facilities are being requested prior to

receiving approval from the Facilities

Planning Office.

l. FCC reserves the first right of refusal for the

provision of food services. If the College

determines that it is unable to provide the

needed service, food may only be provided

by licensed commercial caterers.

2. Fees

a. A fee schedule for public/community use

of College facilities is established by the

FCC Board of Trustees.

b. Fee schedules are available upon request

from the Facilities Planning Office.

c. Fees will be assessed for use of College

facilities for actual costs, which may include

custodial, security, information technology,

audio/visual, and maintenance.

d. All fees are due to the College Finance

Office two weeks before the event date

specified on the Request for Use of Facilities

form. Use of facilities is contingent upon

receipt of full payment.

E. Annual Leases of College Facilities

For use of College space/facilities on an annual

lease basis, contact the Space Planning Manager


[email protected]

. All annual leases must be

reviewed by the Chief of Operations and approved

by the Senior Leadership Team. An annual rate

schedule is established.

IV. Responsibilities of Users

1. Users of all College facilities are responsible for:

a. Using the area designated as reserved and

no other area of the College facility, except

public areas (e.g., restrooms, vending areas).

b. Using the facilities requested “as is.” Users

may not temporarily or permanently alter

any element of any facility on campus.

c. Notifying the Facilities Planning Office

of the intent to cancel the reservation

of facilities at least three (3) workdays in

advance of the scheduled event.

d. Restoring the facility used to its pre-use

condition, unless other arrangements are

made with the Facilities Planning Office.

e. Adhering to all College policies and

procedures, including campus parking

regulations, the Weapons Policy and

Procedures, and the Alcohol, Tobacco, and

Other Drug Use and Awareness Policy and

Procedures. With the exception of parking

lots, the use of all tobacco products is

prohibited on College premises.


beverages may not be served on College

premises without the written approval of the

President and securing the proper licensing,

permitting, insurance, and meeting all local

and state requirements related to usage


2. The College reserves the right to display art

exhibits by faculty, staff, and students as well as

outside exhibitors. Art and exhibits may not be

altered, covered, or removed.

3. Users may be required to make financial

restitution for any damage incurred during the

event for which College facilities were reserved.

V. Restrictions on College Facility Use

1. For-profit groups using College facilities may not

charge an admission fee for entry.

2. Non-profit organizations may charge a general

admission fee for approved activities.

Notice of intent to charge fees must appear on the

Request for Use of Facilities Form.

The price of admission or any other form of

donation or contribution must be clearly stated

on the application and on all advertisements.

3. Use of College facilities for fundraising of any

sort must be approved in advance by the Senior

Leadership Team.