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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the

development of the Training/ Education/

Prevention plan (in coordination with other College

offices) and oversight of education, training, and

prevention programs on Title IX sexual misconduct

for employees, including safety and security staff.

IV. Confidentiality

The College recognizes the importance of

confidentiality. All reasonable efforts will be

made to ensure the confidentiality of information

received to protect the complainant, respondent,

and the College community.

If a person requests that his/her name not be

disclosed or that the College not investigate or take

action related to a report of sexual misconduct, the

Title IX Coordinator will determine whether or not

such a request can be honored while still providing

a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all

students, faculty, and staff.

Confidentiality does not apply to minors (under the

age of 18). State mandatory reporting laws require

responsible employees to report child neglect

and abuse that is suspected, observed, or in some

cases, learned about through a third party, to the

local department of social services or to a local law

enforcement agency.

V. Reporting

All members of the College community must

promptly report sexual misconduct in order to

maximize the College’s ability to obtain evidence,

identify potential witnesses and conduct a

thorough, prompt, and impartial investigation. A

delay in reporting may result in the loss of relevant

evidence and witness testimony, impairing the

College’s ability to respond and take appropriate


Any person who believes that they have been a

victim of sexual misconduct or any person who

has observed or learned about an incident of

sexual misconduct should report the incident

immediately to the Title IX Coordinator or any

responsible employee of the College and also to

law enforcement, if appropriate. Victims of sexual

assault have the right to file criminal charges

with the appropriate law enforcement official.

Responsible employees are required to promptly

notify the Title IX Coordinator of any reports of

sexual misconduct brought to their attention. The

Title IX Coordinator works collaboratively with the

reporting party and any other College staff needed

in responding to the alleged victim, making every

effort to operate with discretion and maintain the

privacy of the individuals involved.

Reports of sexual misconduct in violation of

this Policy may require immediate protective

measures to protect the safety and well-being

of the parties and/or the College community

pending the outcome of the investigative and

adjudicative processes. The College will respond

with all necessary measures to ensure the safety

and security of all persons involved in any report of

sexual misconduct.

The College will be as thorough as possible in

the assessment and investigation of anonymous


Any student who reports to the College or a law

enforcement officer an incident of sexual assault,

and/or participates in good faith in an investigation

of a sexual assault as a witness of a sexual assault

will not be subject to the College alcohol or

drug use policy if the College determines that

the violation occurred during or near the time

of the alleged sexual assault; and if the College

determines that the alcohol or drug violation was

not an act that was reasonably likely to place the

health or safety of another individual at risk.

Individuals who engage in retaliatory behavior

against a reporting party or party participating in

an investigation are in violation of this Policy and

will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Individuals who believe they have experienced

retaliation in violation of this Policy should

immediately report such conduct to the Title IX


The College condemns the deliberate filing of

false reports of sexual misconduct. If a person is

found to have deliberately filed a false accusation,

he/she will be subject to disciplinary measures

in accordance with prescribed policies and

procedures governing student or employee

behavior. A report of sexual misconduct that

is made in good faith, but is found to not be

supported by the preponderance of the evidence,

will not be considered a false report.

VI. Response

Upon notification and awareness of allegations of

sexual misconduct, the College will take immediate

safety and security measures and appropriate

action to assess, and/or investigate what occurred.

This obligation applies to sexual misconduct

covered by this Policy regardless of whether a

parallel law enforcement investigation or action is

pending. The standard of evidence which shall be

used by the College to adjudicate all charges of

sexual misconduct shall be the preponderance of

the evidence.

The College has established procedures for the

immediate assessment and/or investigation of

all Title IX sexual misconduct complaints and for

steps to take following any instances of sexual

misconduct. Procedures are under Sections IX and

X of this document.

As permitted by law, the College will notify the

parties concurrently in writing about the outcome

of the assessment or investigation and whether or

not sexual misconduct was found to have occurred.

When the Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy is

violated, the College will take prompt and effective

steps to end the sexual misconduct, prevent its

recurrence, and address its effects. In addition to

providing counseling or taking immediate steps to

protect complainants prior to any final investigative

outcomes, effective corrective action may require

remedies and interim measures. Potential remedies

and interim measures may include, but are not

limited to, the alteration of course schedules

(including transfer to another section), permission

to withdraw from and/or retake a class, permission

to attend a class via alternative means (e.g., online

or through independent study), the extension of

assignment deadlines, voluntary leaves of absence,

changes in work schedules, job assignments, and

work locations, prohibited contact, and providing

academic support services. When taking such

action, the College will seek to minimize the

burden on the complainant. Remedies for the

broader student population extend beyond

training, education, and prevention efforts already

provided to include, but would not be limited to:

designation of a member of the counseling staff to

“be on call” to assist victims, and “climate checks.”

VII. Sanctions

Employees and students found in violation of this

Policy are subject to disciplinary action ranging

from a disciplinary warning up to and including

termination of employment or expulsion.

Persons who commit sexual misconduct in

violation of federal, state, or local law may also be

subject to criminal charges and penalties.

Outcomes of an investigation and resulting

sanctions may be appealed in accordance with

College established Title IX sexual misconduct

procedures or other applicable College appeal


VIII. Resources Available

Students or others who are not sure whether they

want to make a report should still seek help from

the resources listed. These resources are provided

to offer non judgmental support and information.

Title IX Sexual Misconduct

Campus and Community Resources

In Case of an Emergency on Campus

Risk Management and Public Safety


Confidential Resources to talk with about

Sexual Assault

Frederick County Hotline A service of the Mental

Health Association of Frederick County

24/7 Information and Referral for Crisis Intervention

Call 211 or 866-411-6803

Nearest hospitals equipped with the Department of

State Police Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit

Frederick Memorial Hospital


Carroll Hospital
