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2016/2017 fcc catalog

Use of Facilities Policy and


I. Philosophy and Scope

The primary use of Frederick Community College

(“FCC”or the“College”) facilities is in support of

College instruction. The procedures outlined below

are designed to ensure proper scheduling of credit

and non-credit course offerings and to reduce

conflicts with scheduling of internal College and

community group events.

Members of the College faculty, staff, and student

body may request non-instructional use of College

facilities for College activities/business when they are

not in use for College instruction.

The Facilities Planning Office is charged with

managing the most efficient use of campus space

and as such, also maintain a comprehensive single

source, campus calendar. These procedures are

created to provide for a one-stop clearinghouse

for all campus use of space and the scheduling of

all campus events, both for internal and external


Scheduling of College facilities will follow the priority

order as listed below:

• Credit and Non-credit Course Offerings

• Internal College Meetings and Events

• College Co-Sponsored Events

• Public/Community Use

The President of the College is authorized to establish

administrative procedures and regulations related to

the use of College facilities by the public/community.

Actual costs of operation must be covered by public/

community users. Fees as established by the Board

of Trustees shall be charged for use of College

facilities by public/community groups. Non-profit

organizations may be eligible for discounted rates.

Annual leases of College facilities may be considered

and are subject to review and approval by the Senior

Leadership Team.

II. Definitions for the Purpose of this

Policy and Procedures


“Internal College Meetings and Events”

are meetings or events that are organized and

conducted by College faculty, staff, Trustees, or

students for College activities/business.


“College Co-Sponsored Events”

are events

where Frederick Community College and/or the

Frederick Community College Foundation, Inc.

partners with outside groups or organizations. All

College co-sponsored events must be approved

by the Senior Leadership Team. Co-sponsorship

approval is based upon whether the event

is deemed to be beneficial for the College to

co-sponsor the event.


“Public/Community Use”

refers to paid use

of College facilities by individuals, organizations,

associations, or businesses not affiliated with

Frederick Community College.



refers to the web-based College

scheduling optimization and space database

software. All faculty and staff have access to view

space availability and make requests for space

use through this software.


“HEGIS Code of 210”

refers to a Higher

Education General Information Survey (HEGIS)

designation for spaces that are used primarily

for regularly scheduled classes that require

special purpose equipment or a specific

room configuration for student participation,

experimentation, observation, or practice in an

academic discipline.


“Senior Leadership Team”

refers to the

President’s leadership group comprised of

the President, the Provost/Vice President for

Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Learning

Support, the Vice President for Continuing

Education & Workforce Development, the Vice

President for Finance and Human Resources, the

Special Assistant to the President for Institutional

Effectiveness, and the Chief of Operations.



means Monday through Friday

and does not include weekends, holidays, or

days the College is closed.

III. Procedures

The use of Frederick Community College facilities will

be prioritized in the following manner:

A. Use of Space for Credit and Non-credit

Course Offerings

In each academic term, credit and non-credit

courses will be given first priority in scheduling.

The specific facility spaces having a HEGIS

Code of 210 may be preassigned by the Space

Planning Manager. Other room assignments

will be made based on available room features,

course requirements, and room capacity, as

approved by the Space Planning Manager.

Additional preassignments may be considered to

accommodate the needs of specific instructors or

courses, and these must be approved by the Space

Planning Manager.

The Academic Affairs and Continuing Education &

Workforce Development (CEWD) teams will submit

their course schedules to the Space Planning

Manager according to a published schedule each

semester. Room assignments for courses will be

determined by the 25Live optimizer software.

A draft schedule of room assignments will be

provided to the Academic Affairs and CEWD teams

for review.

The Senior Leaders of the Academic Affairs and

CEWD teams will have the opportunity to submit

requests for consideration of relocation of room

assignments in the draft schedule to the Space

Planning Manager. If possible, these requests will

be accommodated.

The Space Planning Manager will submit a

final credit and non-credit schedule of room

assignments to the Senior Leaders of the Academic

Affairs and CEWD teams.

For courses added outside of the published

schedule for a typical semester, the Academic

Affairs and CEWD teams will submit their

schedules to the Space Planning Manager for room

assignments as classes are added. Timelines for

these additions will be established on an individual

basis. The Space Planning Manager will submit the

final room assignments to Academic Affairs or the

CEWD team scheduling the course.

B. Use of Space for Internal College Meetings

and Events

All internal College meetings and events must have

a space reserved in 25Live. College faculty and staff

must make a request for all spaces, excluding JBK

Theater, in 25Live


frederick). For best consideration, the request must

be made well in advance of the meeting or event

to ensure that a space is approved and reserved

in 25Live. Student groups wishing to request

space must make their requests through the

Student Engagement Office. Space requests will be

reviewed and approved by the Facilities Planning


The Arts Center Director is responsible for

scheduling all events in the JBK Theater in

cooperation and collaboration with the Facilities

Planning Office. To request an internal College

meeting or event in the JBK Theater, contact the

Arts Center Director at

[email protected]


C. Use of Space for College Co-Sponsored


An employee of the College must submit a request

for approval of co-sponsorship of an event to the

Space Planning Manager using the Co-Sponsored

Event Request Form. The Space Planning Manager

will forward requests for final approval to the

Senior Leadership Team. The employee will be

responsible for adhering to all conditions set forth

on the Co-Sponsored Event Request Form. Upon

approval for a co-sponsored event, the employee

should then request space as described in Section


Co-sponsored events may be scheduled up to

twenty-four months in advance if the event takes

place in non-instructional space and if approved by

the Senior Leadership Team.

When required by the College, co-sponsoring

organizations must present to the College a

certificate of liability insurance naming Frederick

Community College as an additional insured in an

amount deemed appropriate in the sole discretion

of FCC.