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2016/2017 fcc catalog

Preponderance of the evidence


evidence which is of greater weight or more

convincing than the evidence to the contrary;

evidence which shows that something is more

likely than not to be true or 50.1% likely to have


Title IX Coordinator

refers to the individual

designated by the President of the College to: 1)

oversee the College response to sexual misconduct

reports and complaints, and identify and address

any patterns or systemic problems revealed by

such reports and complaints; 2) coordinate and/

or conduct sexual misconduct investigations; 3)

oversee, review content, and, in collaboration

with other College offices, develop the plan, and

conduct training for all responsible employees

on sexual misconduct issues; 4) ensure that

appropriate policies and procedures are in place

for responding to complaints of sexual misconduct

against faculty, staff, and students; and 5) work

with local law enforcement to ensure coordinated

responses to sexual misconduct cases.

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for receiving

all reports of sexual misconduct and maintaining all

records related to Title IX sexual misconduct. Sexual

misconduct records for students are maintained

in the Secured College Tracking System. Sexual

misconduct records for employees are maintained

by the Title IX Coordinator in the Human Resources


The Title IX Coordinator who has been designated

by the President is:

Maryrose Wilson, Associate Vice President

for Human Resources

Suite 223 of Gambrill Hall

Frederick Community College


If necessary, the President will designate an

alternate individual who is qualified to serve as Title

IX Coordinator.

Secured College Tracking System

refers to

the College’s official system used to record and

track reports of student violations of prohibited

conduct and concerning behavior. The Secured

College Tracking System contains documentation

of reported violations, interventions, resolutions,

and appeals. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible

for the oversight and management of reported

Title IX sexual misconduct violations in the Secured

College Tracking System.

Title IX Council

refers to a group comprised of

the Vice President for Learning Support (Chair);

the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs;

the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion;

the Director of Student Engagement; and the

Executive Director of Counseling and Advising

(who also serves as the Chair of the Behavioral

Evaluation and Response Team), or their designees.

The Title IX Council serves as a hearing panel for

complainant or respondent appeals of findings or

sanctions imposed after a Title IX investigation. The

Title IX Council regularly convenes to monitor the

compliance and implementation of Title IX policies

and procedures (including the Violence Against

Women Reauthorization Act) and the education

and prevention initiatives related to Title IX. The

Council regularly participates in Title IX workshops

and trainings both locally and nationally.

Clery Act

refers to the federal law which requires

public and private higher education institutions

participating in federal student aid programs to

disclose campus safety information and to impose

basic requirements for handling incidents of sexual

violence and emergency situations.


means Monday through Friday and

does not include weekends, holidays, or days the

College is closed.

III. Training, Education, and Prevention

Frederick Community College is committed to

educating the College community regarding the

prevention and elimination of sexual misconduct.

Creating an environment free from sexual

misconduct is the responsibility of all members of

the College community. The College is committed

to fostering a campus climate free from sexual

misconduct through training, education, and

prevention programs, and through policies and

procedures that promote prompt reporting,

prohibit retaliation, and promote timely, fair, and

impartial investigation and resolution of sexual

misconduct cases.

Preventing sexual misconduct begins with effective

training. All employees will have completed

Title IX training by December of 2015 or within

three months of their hire date and are required

to update their training every year. Additional

mandatory trainings are arranged by the Title IX

Coordinator/Associate Vice President of Human

Resources for all faculty and staff who serve as Title

IX Council Members or individuals who may assist

in Title IX investigations.

The name of the Title IX Coordinator is posted

on bulletin boards throughout the campus, on

the College website, and in College publications,

including the Student Handbook.

To ensure that students understand their rights

and responsibilities under Title IX, the College

provides awareness, knowledge and skill-building

workshops and events organized by the Center

for Student Engagement. Specific education on

alcohol and drug abuse, sexual assault, and dating

violence is provided. These events are offered in

a variety of formats throughout the year and are

posted on the Co-Curricular Calendar. These events

include, but are not limited to:

• National Collegiate Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Month Programming occurs each October

and provides information, workshops, films

and social events designed to help students

understand high risk behaviors and how to

make wise choices.

• National Health and Wellness Month Programs

run throughout March and April and include

experts from local agencies sharing health and

safety tips including sexual assault prevention

and education and bystander intervention and


• The Center for Student Engagement offers

monthly events independently or cosponsored

by campus clubs and organizations that feature

speakers presenting topics such as sexual

assault, anti-bias, and sexual harassment as part

of co-curricular programming.

• Sexual Assault Awareness Month occurs each

April. The College offers a series of workshops

and events including Bystander Training.

• Campus committees and workgroups lead or

participate in the development of ongoing New

Student Orientation, Convocation, and other

student programs.

• Table-top information fairs are offered that direct

students to College resources and services.

• Title IX brochures are available and posted for

students describing College and community

resources, confidential services, and support

for students who deal with sexual abuse and


• Clery Act data is posted on our website in the

Annual Security Report which is updated in

October of each year.

• A dedicated webpage with resource information

and relevant links will be posted at the College


• The College will offer online Title IX training

for all students through Safe


Certificates of completion will be issued.

The Associate Vice President/Dean of Students

is responsible for the development of the

Student Training/Education/Prevention plan (in

coordination with other College offices) and

oversight of education, training, and prevention

programs on Title IX sexual misconduct for
