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2016/2017 fcc catalog

VIII. Wireless Network

IT governs the deployment, management, network

protocols, frequencies, and bandwidth use of the

College wireless networks. IT reserves the right to

mitigate any unauthorized access point or device

in order to maintain the overall integrity of wireless


IX. Remote Access

In order to access technology resources hosted

at the College from off-campus, use of a virtual

private network (VPN) client can be used to make a

connection to campus. The VPN provides a secure,

encrypted connection over the internet between

an individual device and the College network.

When accessing the network, authorized users

are responsible for preventing access to any

technology resources or data by non-authorized

users. Performance of illegal activities through the

network by any user is prohibited. The user accepts

responsibility and consequences of misuse of

remote access.

These rules and requirements are intended to

minimize the exposure of the network to potential

threats which may result from unauthorized use of

College resources.

X. College-Owned Mobile Devices

The College may provide mobile phones or devices

for use by approved faculty or staff. Assigned users

are held accountable as per the College mobile

phone protocol. In addition, users are responsible

for any physical damage or loss of the devices.

IT is responsible for maintaining the equipment,

including antivirus software and security settings.

XI. Computer Classroom/Lab Usage

Computer classroom/labs are for academic use

for students currently enrolled in classes at the

College. Commercial use is prohibited. Tampering

with hardware or software settings on classroom/

lab computers is not permitted. Students should

not save files on classroom/lab computers.

XII. Data Security, Confidentiality, and Access

College employees are granted access to data

and information resources required to carry out

the responsibilities of their position. Employees

requiring access to restricted data are assigned

specific access codes which they are responsible

for protecting from misuse. Any College employee

who knowingly damages or misuses computing

resources or data will be disciplined. Access

capabilities/restrictions apply to all computing

resources owned by the College. Safeguards are

taken to ensure the security of the resources and to

maximize the integrity of the information.

The College will take appropriate measures to

protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

of its students, staff, and faculty to minimize

the growing risks of identity theft. Accordingly,

a Social Security Number may not be used as a

common identifier or used as a database key in any

electronic information system. The College will only

use personal information to the extent necessary,

to enable the College to carry out its purpose

in a reasonable manner. The College also has an

obligation to protect personal information by

making reasonable security arrangements against

such risks as unauthorized access, collection, use,

disclosure, or destruction.

XIII. Disposal of Surplus Computer


Computer equipment that has no further benefit to

the College, as determined by the Chief Technology

Officer, shall be deemed surplus and shall be

appropriately disposed of by one of the following


•Donation to Frederick County Government,

Frederick County Public Schools, or another

State, County, or Municipal agency.

•Trade-in on newly acquired equipment.

•Disposal as scrap by means of recycling.

Computers with software purchased under the

Maryland Education Enterprise Consortium (MEEC)

licensing agreement shall follow the rules set

forth in the MEEC contract. Equipment or software

purchased with grant funds should follow disposal

guidelines as set forth by the grant.

XIV. Account Termination

In the event of an employee’s separation from

employment, Human Resources will initiate the

deactivation of the employee’s account with IT.

XV. Violations

Any individual who becomes aware of an alleged

technology resource violation has a responsibility

to report it to IT. Employee or student violators of

this Policy and Procedures are subject to College

disciplinary policies.

Based on the nature of the offense and/or number

of violations, employees are subject to appropriate

personnel action, up to and including dismissal.

Students are subject to disciplinary action in

accordance with procedures established under

the Code of Student Conduct, up to and including


Violations of this Policy and Procedures may be

subject to the initiation of legal action by the


Title IX Sexual Misconduct

Policy and Procedures

I. Philosophy, Purpose, and Scope

Frederick Community College has a responsibility

to establish and maintain a learning and working

environment that is free from sexual misconduct

and that respects and protects the dignity and

value of every member of the College community.

This Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy has been

established for the purpose of ensuring education,

prevention, reporting, and response to Title IX

sexual misconduct. This Policy supersedes and

replaces any existing policies or procedures related

to sexual misconduct published in any other

College documents.

This Policy applies to all members of the Frederick

Community College community (see definition).

This Policy applies to sexual misconduct:

• on FCC premises, in any College facility or

on College property;

• at any College-sponsored, recognized

or approved program, visit or activity,

regardless of location;

• that impedes equal access to any College

education program or activity;

• that adversely impacts the education or

employment of a member of the College


• that otherwise threatens the health and/

or safety of a member of the College


Title IX sexual misconduct is a form of sexual

discrimination prohibited by federal and state

discrimination laws, including Title IX of the

Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil

Rights Act, and is strictly prohibited by FCC.

FCC is required by the Clery Act to keep and

disclose information about reportable crime on

and near its campuses.

II. Definitions for the Purpose of this Policy

and Procedures


means an individual who is registered at

the College, either full or part-time, in a credit or

non-credit course or courses, who has either paid

or made arrangement for payment of tuition and/

or fees.


means an individual who makes a

complaint that a violation of sexual misconduct has



means an individual who has been

accused of violating the sexual misconduct policy

and is referenced in a complaint as the perpetrator.