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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

Certain activities are prohibited per this Policy and

Procedures. These include the following:

• Circumvention of any security measure of the


• Intentional use, distribution or creation of viruses,

worms, or other malicious software.

• Unauthorized copying or distribution of licensed

software or copyrighted material.

• Accessing data that is not publicly available, does

not belong to the user, and for which the user

does not have explicit permission to access.

• Accessing technology resources in a manner

designed to circumvent access limitations

to public or restricted-access data without


• Use of technology resources for organized

political activity.

• Use of technology resources that disables other

technology resources, consumes disproportionate

technology resources such that other users are

denied reasonable access to those resources,

or materially increases the costs of technology


• Use of technology resources that violates any

local, state, or federal law or regulation, or any

other College policy or regulation.

• Use of technology resources that leads to

personal gain.

III. User Responsibilities

Access to technology resources is a privilege to

which all College faculty, staff, and students are

granted. Users must:

• Protect user identification, password information,

and the system from unauthorized use.

• Respect the intellectual property of authors,

contributors, and publishers in all media.

• Adhere to the terms of software licenses and

other contracts.

• Receive prior authorization to purchase, install, or

download of any software applications. Persons

loading software on any College computer must

adhere to all licensing requirements for the


• Not copy for personal or professional use College-

licensed software, except where allowed by

College site licenses.

• Comply with local, federal, and state laws and


• Comply with laws, licensing, contracts, and

College policies and regulations applicable to the

appropriate use of technology resources.

• Use good judgment and exercise civility at all

times when utilizing technology resources.

• Respect the diverse community utilizing

technology in a shared manner.

• Understand the appropriate use of assigned

technology resources, including the computer,

network address or port, software, and hardware.

• Comply with the College use of email as an

official means of communication.

• Never use email as an appropriate tool for

confidential communication.

• Not attempt to alter the condition or status of

any computing network component in


manner. Gaining unauthorized access to College

computing or network resources is prohibited.

IV. Password Security

The College reserves the right to audit user

passwords to ensure they meet current password

security guidelines. All user accounts will be

protected by effective passwords. An effective

password is both strong and protected. Strong

passwords have at least a specified minimum

number of characters, are a combination of

alphabetic, numeric and special characters, and

are updated on a regular basis. Account holders

and system administrators, acting as account/

password custodians, will protect the security of

those passwords by managing passwords in a

responsible fashion.

In addition to following a strong password policy,

users are required to safeguard their passwords.

Individuals should not write down or store the

password on paper or on a computer system where

others might acquire it. Passwords should not be

shared with other people. Users are also expected

to change their password immediately if they know

or suspect that it has been compromised.

V. Email Use

College email accounts are intended to serve as an

official means of electronic communication. Use

of College email accounts is limited to educational

purposes and legitimate business of the College.

Users must abide by all College policies and

procedures and federal, state, and local laws. Users

must be aware of the legal risks of using email. If

any user sends or forwards emails with libelous,

defamatory, offensive, discriminatory, or obscene

remarks, the user can be held responsible.

Email is intended for communication between

individuals and clearly designated groups of

individuals and should not be used for mass

broadcasting or the wide distribution of large

attachments. Only authorized users may send email

to all faculty and staff. General announcements

intended for the College community should be

posted on Communication Central. Requests

for use of the email system for marketing to

prospective or current students must have prior

approval by the Chief Technology Officer and

Director of Marketing.

The College may send official correspondence to

members of its community via email. Students,

faculty, and staff are expected to check their

College email account regularly. College employees

are expected to use their College email account for

all College-related communications. If a student

elects to forward his/her College email to another

email account, the student remains responsible for

any material not received because of any defect

in the forwarding mechanism or the destination


VI. Web Policy

The College web site contains information for

and about the College community and is a

major means of communication, publication,

and collaboration in support of the mission of

the College. The College maintains the right to

temporarily disable access to any web page under

review for possible policy violations as well as web

pages containing inaccurate information reflecting

upon the integrity of the College.

Users are expected to abide by the following:

• Comply with all laws governing copyright,

intellectual property, libel, and privacy.

• Adhere to all policies, rules, and regulations of the


• Use of the web for non-College commercial

activities is prohibited. For the purposes of

this Policy and Procedures, activities such as

publishing textbooks and other academic works

are considered to be College activities.

• Abide by U.S. and international copyright and

licensing laws.

The College Web Team, chaired by the Chief

Technology Officer, is responsible for web design

and navigation. Information Technology (IT) should

be notified via a service request for any updating

or changes to web site content. A College web

page is considered official when it is published by

the College. Official College web pages shall be

considered College publications.

This Policy and Procedures applies to all official

web pages and associated web-based services

developed by or for the College. The College will

ensure website accessibility for individuals with

disabilities in accordance with the Americans with

Disabilities Act.

VII. Social Media

College social media sites and accounts are

intended to serve as an official means of electronic

communication for the College. Use of College

social media accounts is limited to educational

purposes and legitimate business of the College.

Users must be aware of the legal risks of using

social media. If any user posts comments with

libelous, defamatory, offensive, discriminatory, or

obscene remarks, the user can be held responsible.

Creation or use of social media sites and accounts

require approval by the Communications


Users agree to abide by all relevant policies and

procedures, federal, state, and local laws. These

include but are not limited to College policies

and procedures related to harassment, plagiarism,

commercial use, security, unethical conduct, and

laws prohibiting theft, copyright and licensing

infringement, unlawful intrusions, and data privacy
