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2016/2017 fcc catalog

Authorized representatives

of the U.S.

Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney

General, the U.S. Secretary of Education,

or state and local educational authorities,

such as a state post-secondary authority

that is responsible for supervising the

College state supported education

programs. Disclosures under this provision

may be made in connection with an

audit or evaluation of federal or state

supported education programs, or for

the enforcement of, or compliance with

federal legal requirements that relate to

those programs. These entities may make

further disclosure of PII to outside entities

that are designated as their authorized

representatives to conduct any audit,

evaluation, or enforcement or compliance

activity on their behalf.

College officials

whom the College has

determined to have legitimate educational

interests, as defined in Section II, F.

Department of Defense representatives

access to student recruiting information, in

accordance with the Solomon Amendment.

General public

regarding the final results

of a disciplinary proceeding if the College

determines the student is an alleged

perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-

forcible sex-offense and the student has

committed a violation of College policies

and procedures with respect to the

allegation. The disclosure of final results

must include only the name of the student,

the violation committed, and any sanction

imposed by the institution against the


Officials in connection with financial aid

for which the student has applied or which

the student has received, if the information

is necessary to determine eligibility for

the aid, determine the amount of the aid,

determine the conditions of the aid, or

enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.

Officials of another institution


the student seeks or intends to enroll, or

where the student is already enrolled if the

disclosure is for purposes related to the

student’s enrollment or transfer.

Organizations that are conducting


for, or on behalf of, the College,

in order to develop, validate, or administer

predictive tests; administer student aid

programs; or improve instruction.

Parents of a student

regarding the student’s

violation of federal, state, or local law, or

rule or policy of the College governing the

use or possession of alcohol or a controlled

substance if the College determines the student

committed a disciplinary violation and the

student is under the age of 21.

Parties requesting Directory Information


unless restricted by a Non-Disclosure request

from the student.

U.S. Attorney General or his/her


in order to comply with an ex parte

order in connection with the investigation of

prosecution of an offense listing in 18 U.S.C.


Victim of an alleged perpetrator

of a

crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense,

subject to the requirements regulation. The

disclosure may only include the final results

of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to

that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the


VI. Record of Disclosures

FERPA regulations require the College to record

disclosures of PII that were disclosed without the

student’s written consent. FERPA regulations do

not require the College to record disclosures to

College officials, judicial orders or lawfully issued

subpoenas, disclosures of directory information,

and disclosures to the student. Eligible students

have a right to inspect and review the record of


VII. Procedures related to the Release of


A. Non-Disclosure

A student who elects to limit the disclosure of

information must submit a NonDisclosure Form

in person to the Welcome Center and meet with

the Registrar or his/her designee.

1. A student must validate identity by

presenting a photo ID when submitting

the Non-Disclosure Form to the Welcome


2. A service indicator will be placed on

the student record and the form is then

imaged to become part of the education

record of the student.

3. There is no expiration date on the Non-

Disclosure Form; therefore, a student who

chooses to rescind or modify the former

non-disclosure request must submit a

new Non-Disclosure Form to the Welcome


B. Disclosure

A student, who elects to permit access of non-

directory information to a third party, will need

to obtain the proper Consent to Release Student

Educational Records form in person from the

Welcome Center.

1. A student must validate identity by

presenting a photo ID when submitting the

Consent to Release Student Educational

Records form to the Welcome Center.

2. A service indicator will be placed on

the student record and the form is then

imaged to become part of the education

record of the student.

3. There is no expiration date for the Consent

to Release Student Educational Records

form; therefore, a student may choose to

rescind the disclosure permission at any

time by completing and submitting a new

Consent to Release Student Educational

Records form to the Welcome Center.

Public Information Requests

Policy and Procedures

I. Philosophy and Scope

Frederick Community College (“FCC” or the

“College”) is a public higher education institution

that upholds and supports the highest ethical

standards. Transparency and accountability are

hallmarks of College operations and practices.

The public is welcome and entitled to review

information and documents related to the

College in accordance with the Maryland Public

Information Act. The following are procedures to

access public information from FCC.

II. Definitions for the Purpose of this Policy

and Procedures



means the Public Information Act,

General Provisions Article, §§ 4-101 to 4601,

Annotated Code of Maryland.



means a person or governmental

unit that requests access to a public record.



means the employee or

department responsible for keeping the public

record sought, whether or not the employee or

department has physical custody and control of

the public record.


“Public Information Officer (PIO)”


the individual designated by the College

President to receive and process requests for

public information.


“Public record”

means the original or any

copy of any documentary material that:

1. is made by FCC or received by FCC in

connection with the transaction of public

business; and

2. is in any form, including:

a. a card;

b. a computerized record;

c. correspondence;

d. a drawing;

e. film or microfilm;

f. a form;

g. a map;

h. a photograph or photostat;

i. a recording; or

j. a tape.


“Calendar day”

means any day of the week,

including weekends and holidays.