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2016/2017 fcc catalog


• 301.846.2400

1. Students may come to the Welcome Center

and complete an Add/Drop form to withdraw

from a credit class; or, students may sign on to

PeopleSoft to withdraw from a credit class.

2. Students should confirm that the process has

been completed in PeopleSoft by clicking on

My Class Schedule on the drop screen.

C. Request for Withdrawal After the Deadline

Due to Extenuating Circumstances Students

with extenuating medical/emergency/military

circumstances that they believe requires them

to withdraw from a class after the deadline for

withdrawal should consult with the instructor

of the class to request an incomplete (“I”).

Incompletes that are not satisfied within eight

weeks after the last day of fall and spring

semesters, within four weeks after the last day of

summer term, or within two weeks after the last

day for Jan term convert to an “F.”

For more information regarding grades of “I,” see

the Academic Standards Policy and Procedures.

IV. RetroactiveWithdrawal

A. A student who was incapable of withdrawing

from a course due to extenuating circumstances

during the published withdrawal period, and has

therefore received a grade of “F,”may request a

retroactive withdrawal (“W”) to the Admissions

and Academic Policies Committee (AAPC).

B. Procedure for Retroactive Withdrawal

1. Student must submit the Request for

Retroactive Withdrawal form, available in

the Welcome Center and online, listing the

course(s) for which a retroactive withdrawal

is being requested with the last date of

attendance noted and a written statement

explaining the extenuating circumstances

for review by AAPC. Supporting

documentation is required. Forms may be

mailed to Frederick Community College,

Welcome Center, 7932 Opossumtown Pike,

Jefferson Hall, Frederick, Maryland 21702

or submitted in person to the Welcome


2. AAPC meets once per month during fall

and spring semesters. Students requesting

a retroactive withdrawal will be notified

of the date that the AAPC will review their

request. Students are not present for the

review of the request. AAPC may request

additional documentation from the student

to process the request.

3. An email with the results of the AAPC’s

decision will be sent to the student’s

MyFCC email account.

V. AdministrativeWithdrawal

A. Administrative Withdrawal is used by the

Associate Vice President/Dean of Students (AVP/

DOS) to involuntarily withdraw a student from

the College when a withdrawal is deemed

to be necessary to protect the health, safety,

or integrity of the learning environment.

Students may at any time during the process of

Administrative Withdrawal, voluntarily withdraw.

B. Procedures for Administrative Withdrawal

1. The AVP/DOS will notify the student in

writing and by telephone and/or email

that an administrative withdrawal is under


2. After notification to a student of a potential

administrative withdrawal, an individual

assessment will be conducted by BERT

which will provide a recommendation to

the AVP/DOS who will decide whether an

administrative withdrawal is warranted. The

assessment will be based on a reasonable

judgment that relies on the best available

objective evidence, to ascertain: the

nature, duration and severity of the risk;

the probability that the potential injury will

actually occur; and whether reasonable

modifications of the College policies,

practices, or procedures will mitigate the


3. In cases where BERT is unable to make an

individual assessment, or the assessment

is inconclusive, the BERT Chair will inform

the AVP/DOS and recommend a formal

assessment. The AVP/DOS will make

a determination based upon the best

available objective evidence, or request a

formal assessment as recommended.

4. The AVP/DOS will discuss the administrative

withdrawal and/or the requirement of a

formal assessment with the student. If a

formal assessment is required, the AVP/DOS

will inform the student whether a non-

punitive temporary separation from the

College is required pending the outcome

of the formal assessment. The student will

be informed of all appeal procedures. The

AVP/DOS will document the discussion and

decision in a letter that will be provided to

the student as well as a copy of this policy

and procedures.

5. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange

for a formal assessment when notified by

the AVP/DOS that it is required. The College

will furnish a list of area providers to the


6. Following an individual assessment or

formal assessment which results in the

determination that a student poses a direct

threat to the health and/or safety of others,

the College must communicate to the

student the exact circumstances, including

timetables if applicable, that would cause

the student to no longer be considered a

direct threat, and the conditions that would

allow the student to return to the College.

7. After it is determined through an individual

assessment or formal assessment that

a student poses a threat, the student is

afforded due process (i.e., notice of the

imposed action, the opportunity to present

information on his or her behalf, and a

right to appeal). The College may, as an

alternative to administrative withdrawal,

place other conditions on the student’s

participation (for example, participate only

in online classes), as the College deems

appropriate to protect the safety of others.

8. In addition to the procedures set forth

above, the following apply to students with


a. The College will comply with all

obligations under Section 504 of the

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,

and Title II of the Americans with

Disabilities Act.

b. When conducting an informal

assessment through BERT or when

requiring a formal assessment, the AVP/

DOS will confer with individuals who have

indepth knowledge of, and experience

in, the area of the student’s disability and

behavior, if applicable.

C. Appeal

1. Right to Appeal A student for whom an

administrative withdrawal has been instituted

may appeal the decision. The student must

submit a written request to the Vice President

(VP) for Learning Support within five (5)

workdays from the date of receipt of the written

notification of the administrative withdrawal.

Failure to file a request within the specified

time presumes the student’s acceptance of

the administrative withdrawal and constitutes

a waiver of his/her right to further appeal. The

administrative withdrawal will remain in effect

during the appeal process.

2. Appeal Procedures Upon receipt of the

student’s request for an appeal of the

administrative withdrawal, the VP for Learning

Support will notify the student, in writing, of the

date, time, and location of the appeal hearing.

The hearing will be scheduled no more than

ten (10) workdays after receipt of the written

request for an appeal. Prior to the hearing, the

student will be:

a. Provided with a written statement of the

reasons for the administrative withdrawal.