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2016/2017 fcc catalog

b. Allowed to examine, in advance, any written

evidence or exhibits which the College plans

to submit; reciprocally, the student will allow

the College to examine, in advance, any

written evidence or exhibits the student plans

to submit.

c. Advised of the right to argue in his/her behalf

and present evidence or the results of a

formal assessment.

d. Advised of the right to appear alone or with a

College Support Person.

3. The decision of the VP for Learning Support is


VI. Refund of Tuition and Fees

Students who have not received an automatic

refund based on withdrawal date may be eligible

for a refund of tuition and/or fees pursuant to

the Tuition Refund Policy and Procedures (www.


VII. Request Procedures for Reenrollment

A. Students who have been administratively

withdrawn must submit a formal request for

reenrollment to the VP for Learning Support

Office. Students must present evidence that they

have satisfied all conditions of reenrollment that

were established at the time the administrative

withdrawal was instituted. Evidence may include,

but is not limited to, a formal assessment.

B. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for

a formal assessment if it is required by the VP for

Learning Support. The College will furnish a list of

area providers to the student.

C. The VP for Learning Support Office will

submit the evidence to the Student Request for

Reenrollment Committee that will evaluate the

evidence and render a decision. Membership of the

Student Request for Reenrollment Committee shall

be composed of: the VP for Learning Support, who

will Chair the Committee, one (1) representative

from Academic Affairs, one (1) representative from

Learning Support, one (1) representative from

Risk Management Public Safety/Security, and

one (1) representative appointed by the Student

Government Association. When needed, designees

will be appointed for these positions by the


D. A student will be notified in writing of the

decision regarding his/her request for reenrollment

by the Student Request for Reenrollment


E. Once the Student Request for Reenrollment

Committee determines that a student no longer

poses a direct threat to the safety of others the

College will no longer exclude the student, or place

special conditions on the student’s participation

in its program. As such, the College will provide

the proper written notice to the student of this

determination, effectively readmitting the student

and restoring all his/her attendant privileges,

benefits and services, as a student in the College

academic program in the status of, and at the

academic level attained by the student prior to

the determination that he/she was a direct threat.

In appropriate cases, the College may readmit the

student subject to such restrictions as the College

deems appropriate to protect the safety of others.

F. If the Student Request for Reenrollment

Committee determines that a student continues

to pose a direct threat to others, the College

may condition the student’s future receipt of a

benefit or service upon the student’s provision of

documentation showing that the student is no

longer a threat. Such evidence may include, but

not be limited to, a treatment plan or periodic

reports from a qualified professional. The College

will not, however, condition the provision of a

benefit or service upon a showing by a student

that he/she has eliminated behaviors that are a

manifestation of a disability, unless such behavior

significantly contributed to the direct threat.

G. If the request for reenrollment is denied, the

Student Request for Reenrollment Committee

may stipulate when the student can next request

consideration of reenrollment to the Committee

and under what conditions.

Technology Use Policy and


I. Philosophy, Purpose, and Scope

Frederick Community College is committed to

creating a teaching and learning environment

that is supported through the effective and

innovative use of technology. The College has the

obligation to protect and guide students, faculty,

and staff in the acceptable use of computer

systems, networks, and other information

technology resources. Access to these resources

is a privilege, not a right or guarantee. As such,

the College imposes certain responsibilities and

obligations on the user. All users are expected to

act responsibly, ethically, and legally, and limit

their use of these resources to the educational

purpose and legitimate business of the College.

This Policy and Procedures applies to all

information technology systems and services

owned by the College and to all users. The

College reserves the right to extend, limit, restrict

or deny privileges and access to its information

technology resources.

Users of information technology resources are

expected to access, through any system, only

information that relates to the performance of

their duties and to exercise good judgment in

the use of such information. All members of the

College community are bound by all applicable

local, state, and federal laws including, but not

limited to, those related to copyright, security,

privacy including the provisions of FERPA and

other statutes regarding electronic media.

The College complies with official requests

for information made in accordance with the

guidelines of the Maryland Public Information

Act (MPIA).

The College provides a wide range of computing

resources to support the teaching and learning

mission of the College. However, the College

makes no guarantee that the services provided

will be error-free or without defect. The College

cannot be responsible for any damage suffered

including, but not limited to, loss of data or

disruption of service. The College disclaims any

responsibility and/or warranties for information

and materials residing on non-College systems or

available over publicly accessible networks.

II. Acceptable Use

In making technology resources available to

all members of the College community, the

College affirms its commitment to an open

educational environment, conducive to learning,

and governed by legal and ethical principles.

The College respects individual privacy, civility,

and intellectual property rights. Because an

electronic environment is easily disrupted and

electronic information is readily copied, users of

College resources are expected to promote and

protect these institutional standards. The College

reserves the right to monitor system resources,

including activity and accounts, with or without

notice, when:

• It is necessary to protect the integrity, security, or

functionality of College technology resources.

• An account or system is engaged in unusual or

excessive activity.

• It has good cause to believe that regulations,

rules, or laws are being violated.

• In the event of health, safety, or security


• When, due to the extended absence of an

employee or separation from employment,


verified by the Associate Vice President (AVP) for

Human Resources or other authorized College

official, it is necessary to retrieve College-related


Additionally, the normal operation and

maintenance of College computing resources

requires the backup of data, the logging of

activity, the monitoring of general usage

patterns, and other such activities as may be

necessary in order to provide desired services.

Accordingly, all employees should use College-

provided resources for College-related material

only. Personal accounts and devices should be

used for non-work-related activities.