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2016/2017 fcc catalog

Heartly House - Crisis Hotline


Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA)


National Sexual Assault Hotline

A free and confidential 24/7 hotline for incidents

occurring outside of Maryland

1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)

24/7 support

1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI)

1-877-496-SALI (7254)

For Guidance in Filing a Complaint

FCC Title IX Coordinator

Maryrose Wilson, 301-846-2436

AVP/Dean of Students

Jerry Haynes, 301-846-2459

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Shezwae Fleming, Director 301-624-2711

For Information on Programs and Training

Director, Center for Student Engagement

Jeanni Winston-Muir, 301-846-2489

IX. Procedures for Filing a Title IX Sexual

Misconduct Complaint

Filing a Complaint

Any person who believes they have been a

victim of sexual misconduct or any person who

has observed or learned about an incident of

sexual misconduct should report the incident

immediately to the Title IX Coordinator, Maryrose

Wilson, 7932 Opossumtown Pike, Frederick, MD

21702, Suite 223 of Gambrill Hall, mwilson@,

301-846-2436, or any responsible


Prompt reporting is encouraged to maximize the

ability of the College to obtain evidence, identify

potential witnesses, and conduct a thorough,

prompt, and impartial investigation. The College

recognizes the importance of confidentiality. All

reasonable efforts will be made to insure the

confidentiality of information received to protect

the complainant, respondent, and the College


If a person requests that their name not be

disclosed or that the College not investigate

or take action related to a report of sexual

misconduct, the Title IX Coordinator will

determine and document whether or not

he or she can honor such a request while

still providing a safe and nondiscriminatory

environment for all students, faculty, and staff.


The Title IX Coordinator will conduct an immediate

assessment of the reported Title IX sexual

misconduct. The complainant will be asked to

document in writing the nature of the complaint.

Immediate measures will be taken to ensure the

safety and security of any individuals involved.

The Title IX Coordinator will conduct an initial

meeting with the complainant and inform him/her

of on and off-campus resources, informal procedural

options, immediate safety and security measures,

and the College policy prohibiting retaliation.

The complainant shall be informed by the Title

IX Coordinator of the importance of preserving

evidence. An assessment will be completed within

three (3) workdays of receiving a report of sexual

misconduct and the complaint will be documented

appropriately. The assessment will determine if an

investigation of the complaint as a Title IX violation is

warranted and, if so, based on what.

Informal Resolution

Upon completion of the assessment, if the Title IX

Coordinator determines that an investigation is not

warranted, and the complainant agrees, the Title IX

Coordinator may be able to resolve the complaint

informally. In such cases, the Title IX Coordinator will

confer with the complainant about this option, and,

if they agree, the Title IX Coordinator will confer with

the respondent, if necessary. Should a satisfactory

resolution be reached, the matter will be considered

closed. All informal resolutions will be appropriately

documented. If no investigation is warranted, the

identity of the respondent will not be recorded.

X. Procedures for Investigations and Appeals


The College


conduct an investigation if:

(1) the Title IX Coordinator determines through

the assessment that an investigation is

warranted (a College-initiated investigation

will occur with or without the complainant’s

consent); or

(2) the complainant disagrees with the results of

the assessment and requests an investigation.

In either case, the complainant and respondent

will be notified within five (5) workdays of the

College decision to initiate an investigation and

they will be informed of the process that will be


The College will seek to conclude the

investigation within 30 workdays of the initial

written complaint from the complainant.

Extended time for investigations may be

necessary, in which case both parties will be


Investigative Process

The College will initiate a prompt, thorough, and

impartial investigation. The Title IX Coordinator

will coordinate the investigative process and,

when necessary, coordinate and cooperate

effectively with law enforcement. A notice of

investigation will be delivered to all parties which

contains a summary of the allegations at issue,

the range of potential disciplinary sanctions, and/

or administrative and other remedies. Along with

the notice of investigation, the complainant and

respondent will receive a notice of rights and

responsibilities. Upon receipt of the notice of

investigation, or at any stage in the process, the

respondent may choose to accept responsibility

for the Policy violation.

During the investigation, the complainant and

respondent will have an equal opportunity to

be heard, to submit information, and to identify

witnesses who may have relevant information.

The Title IX Coordinator will speak separately with

the complainant, the respondent, and any other

individuals who are willing to participate and have

information relevant to the investigation. The Title

IX Coordinator may gather or receive information

that is relevant, including information about the

impact of the alleged incident on the parties. The

Title IX Coordinator will also gather any available

physical or documentary evidence, including

prior statements by the parties or witnesses, any

communications between the parties, email

messages, social media materials, text messages,

and other records as appropriate and available.

Members of the College community are expected

to cooperate with the investigation.

At the conclusion of the investigation, the Title

IX Coordinator will prepare a draft written report

that summarizes the information gathered

and synthesizes the areas of agreement and

disagreement between the parties with any

supporting information or accounts. Prior to

finalizing the investigation report, the Title IX

Coordinator will provide the complainant and

respondent an opportunity to review the draft

investigation report.