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2016/2017 fcc catalog

l. Include any statements obtained from other

security officers who were present at the time

of the incident.

m. Describe, if any, previous incidents in which the

security officer has employed physical force in

the performance of his or her duties.

G. Certification of Review and Understanding

All FCC Campus Security Officers shall within

thirty (30) days of the effective of this procedure

be supplied with a copy of this procedure and

certify in writing that they have reviewed and

understand its requirements. Thereafter each FCC

Campus Security Officer shall be required to certify

in writing that they have reviewed and understand

this procedure on annual basis. A copy of each

security officer’s initial and annual certifications of

review and understanding of this procedure shall

be maintained in each security officer’s respective

personnel file.

Weapons Policy &


I. Philosophy and Scope

Frederick Community College (“FCC” or the

“College”) is committed to having a safe

environment for all students, employees, visitors,

and guests. It is the responsibility of the College

community to work together with College

Security staff to ensure the safety and security

of our College community. Communication is a

key component of creating and maintaining a

safe environment and members of the College

community are entrusted with reporting possible

violations of this Policy and Procedures or threats

to the College community. College Security staff

regularly patrol the campus. In addition, the

College has a longstanding partnership with the

Frederick Police Department. Violations of this

Weapons Policy and Procedures is considered

severe misconduct under the College Employee

Misconduct Policy and Procedures, the Code of

Student Conduct, and the Code of Conduct for

Visitors and Guests.

Frederick Community College employees, students,

visitors, and guests are not permitted to possess,

conceal, transport, or store weapons as defined in

this Policy and Procedures on College premises.

Exemptions to this Policy and Procedures are

defined under Section III.

II. Definitions for the Purpose of this Policy

and Procedures



means Frederick Community College

and, collectively, those responsible for its control

and operation and applies to all sites at which

the College conducts classes and/or activities.


“College community”

includes trustees,

students, and all employees of the College as

well as any independent contractors or other

third parties to the extent articulated under

contractual agreements.


“College premises”

means buildings or

grounds owned, leased, operated, controlled,

supervised, or temporarily used by the College.



means an individual who is

registered at the College, either full or parttime,

in a credit or non-credit course or courses,

who has either paid or made arrangement for

payment of tuition and/or fees.





mean any person who is

not a member of the College community who is

on College premises.




Any object or device which will, is designed to,

or may be readily converted to expel bullet, shot,

shell, BB, or pellet, by the action of an explosive,

spring, or other propellant;

Any handgun, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun or

other firearm of any nature;

Any BB gun, pellet gun, air/CO2 gun, or blow


Any major components, including barrels, stocks

or grips, and receivers, of firearms, whether

partial components or components of a

complete firearm;

Any electronic device designed to discharge

immobilizing levels of electricity, commonly

known as a stun gun or taser;

Any explosive, including all types of ammunition

for firearms, incendiary or poison gas (A) bomb,

(B) mine, (C) grenade, or (D) rocket having a

propellant charge of more than four ounces,

or (E) missile having an explosive or incendiary

charge of more than ¼ ounce;

Any incendiary or explosive material, liquid, solid

or mixture equipped with a fuse, wick or other

detonating device;

Any tear gas bomb or smoke bomb;

Any knife, commonly referred to as a

switch-blade, which has a blade that opens

automatically by hand pressure applied to a

button, spring or other device in the handle

of the knife, or any knife having a blade that

opens or falls or is ejected into position by the

force of gravity or by an outward, downward or

centrifugal thrust or movement;

Any knife with a blade-length of more than two

inches such as a dagger, dirk, dangerous knife or

stiletto or pocket knife;

Any martial arts weapon such as nun chucks or

throwing stars;

Any longbow, crossbow, compound bow,

recurve bow and arrows or other projectile that

could cause serious harm to any person; or

Any instrument or device:

1. designed or traditionally used to inflict harm or

injury, or

2. that could be reasonably construed as a

weapon, or

3. designed to look like a weapon, which is or can

be used to cause intimidation, apprehension or

fear of harm, or

4. which may be an ordinary item (e.g., baseball

bat) but is wielded as or used to inflict damage

or harm to living beings, structures, or systems.

III. Exceptions

A. Instruments (e.g., culinary knives, box cutters,

surgical instruments) and tools required for use

in courses or employment, or College-sponsored

activities, in accordance with approved

procedural guidelines, are excluded from this

Policy and Procedures. However, inappropriate

or dangerous use of any instrument, device, or

tool by any authorized student or employee is

in violation of this Policy and Procedures. The

Director of Public Safety and Security or his/her

designee, shall maintain and keep current an

inventory of such College authorized usages.

B. This Policy and Procedures does not apply to

Frederick Community College Security staff

who have received College-approved training

and endorsement by the College to employ

College-supplied and authorized weapons. These

weapons or tools are explicitly limited to:

1. Oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray

2. Baton

C. Active duty law enforcement officers, qualified

retired law enforcement officers as defined in

the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, 18 USC

§926C (LEOSA), and United States Military acting

in the performance of their official duties but

only to the extent that they are legally permitted

to possess such weapons.

D. Possession, storage or display of weapons

for instructional, demonstrative or theatrical

purposes may be granted in limited

circumstances. Refer to Section IV, Procedures.

E. This Policy and Procedures does not apply to

the safe and secure storage of a firearm by an

authorized College employee, within a vehicle

parked at any College owned, leased or rented

facility or at any College-sponsored activity

provided that:

1. the College employee is a qualified retired law

enforcement officer as defined in LEOSA and

has met all of the conditions therein; and

2. the College employee maintains on file with the

Chief of Security a current LEOSA permit and

identification, as defined in that Act.